Stupid Tuesday questions, Oil of Olay edition
“Are you sure you don’t want to check it? Here, I’ve taken it out of my wallet already. Why don’t you just glance at it?”
“Are you sure you don’t want to check it? Here, I’ve taken it out of my wallet already. Why don’t you just glance at it?”
“The Simple Life”? Nay, loving her was far too complicated.
So it turns out that I have a perfectly good reason that I won’t be able to make Leaguefest this year. Or, more accurately, I have two of them.
Her name was “L’Wren Scott,” not “Mick Jagger’s girlfriend.”
You’re welcome to all the peaches you can eat, man. But please shut up about it.
At last the big night is finally upon us. Just like last year, I offered a set of predictions totally blind and without the benefit (such as it is) of having seen any of...
I probably couldn’t have afforded a Bellini, even if I’d thought to order one
I guarantee we were having more fun than anyone else in that restaurant.
“The Teapot Dome scandal is the same as all the rest,” mused the Dowager Countess. “Doubtless spoilers are involved.”
“Fine,” sighed the Reluctantly Evil Lady’s Maid. “There are spoilers. Happy now? Can I get back to my sewing?”
For those of you who haven’t seen enough of my opinions about vaccinations, good news! I have more to say about them.
This week Stupid Tuesday questions go back to their roots.