I have been doing some sifting through some old posts from before my time, as we prepare for what I now think of as Project Rufus. I came upon this post from Erik on...
I have been doing some sifting through some old posts from before my time, as we prepare for what I now think of as Project Rufus. I came upon this post from Erik on...
I wrote a post this week where I took the Presidential debate I had just witnessed, the horrific news coming from Penn State and other thoughts that had been buzzing around inside my melon...
My first love, as a kid, was baseball. No, strike that, that’s not quite right. My first love, as a kid, was the Los Angeles Dodgers. I grew up in what was to be...
(Photo: The exact moment when Rick Perry’s Presidential ambitions died.) Some quick observations about tonight’s debate: Observation #1 – Anti-Government Rhetoric Is Apparently Just That – Rhetoric If there was one universal constant –...
So, League, let me ask you… If you could ask any of the candidates anything in tonight’s debate and know that you’d get an honest answer, what questions would you ask, and to which...
Rule #1: If someone is making an action figure based on your real-life hero, you can’t bitch about it not being lifelike enough. It’s a freaking action figure. Just smile and be grateful. Rule...
One of the more curious things that the Occupy Wall Street phenomena has wrought has been making those not within the Occupy tribe channel my dad circa 1968. One of the memes in the...
Last week we did a kind of census to see where we all came from, in terms of what led us to the League. Mike at The Big Stick asked that we go one...
Did anyone know that Gingrich and Cain were having a mano y mano debate last night? I had no idea. I can’t decide whether I think the idea of two candidates having a debate...
I hadn’t actually considered compiling data, but Pat’s magnificent work recently has kind of shamed me into doing so. Basically, everyone that answered either came from another blog that linked to us, followed a...
As much as I tend to dislike the Democratic Party, the Republicans always seems to find a way to make the D’s seem the far more palatable choice. The big knock on today’s GOP,...
Every year, come the end of October, there is a special bounce in my step as I eagerly await the opening tip-off of the new NBA season. I love sports in general, but I...
One of the questions I sometimes get in the real world when discussing the League of Ordinary Gentlemen is why a libertarian blog would ever have me be a contributor. (This question is a...
From HuffPo, a speech by Perry making the rounds – not because of its content, but because he appears to have had a few too many before getting up to the podium. But here’s...
(Note: Some of my thoughts here are riffed off of comments I made in Jaybird’s Explanation! post over at Mindless Diversions. I recommend that site a lot. For those that have never jumped over...
(Rick Perry wins the Debate Raffle, accepts life-size inflatable Mitt Romney Doll prize from Herman Cain.) Two quick confessions: First Confession: I have not seen any of the GOP debates up to this...
For years Tod Kelly thought he knew the whole story behind his parent’s infamous second date. It turned out he didn’t.
Two themes have been making their way through various posts this past week, and though they have been somewhat separated by post they are so intertwined that I’d argue each must be seen through...
In a post I did on religion a while back, I talked about the various reasons I tend to distrust using Philosophy as a tool to solve disagreements about public policy. While I appreciate...