Author: Tod Kelly
Can we please throw the boiling frog metaphor into some boiling water?
The ubiquitous frog-in-boiling-water metaphor is ubiquitous these days. It’s also lazy, meaningless, and incorrect.
Tell the developers, the political angles and the strippers they can all kiss Jeff Wagner’s butt
The rest of this election season’s political ads will have a hard time living up to this gem from the Minneapolis mayoral hopeful.
Sailing to Irrelevance: Irrelevant is the New Normal
Moderates and independents keep waiting for national defeats to force the GOP to change their ways. Tod Kelly asks if the party might be happy to stay right where it is, electability be damned.
Thursday Night Bar Fight #14: For I am your Tod, and you shall have no other Tods before me
Given the chance to play God, what commandments would you give to a primitive people looking to build a civilization?
Do the Unborn Dream of Jerry Springer? : How the creepiest, most sensational story of 2013 could be a game-changer for Pro-Life advocates
A sensational, bizarre, made-for-tabloids crime forces Tod Kelly to reconsider his own position on abortion – and wonder if it might force others to do the same.
And all the fuss over Al Jazeera America is what, exactly?
A taste of Al Jazzera America finds the network surprisingly uninteresting.
Thursday Night Bar Fight #13: Even In A Perfect World, Where Everyone Was Equal…
What single book best describes us?
On Syria, the War on Terror, and the Loss of Souls
As war with Syria approaches, no one cares. This, argues Tod Kelly, is the ultimate cost of the War on Terror.
Does Bigotry Pay in a Free Market? Absolutely.
A fast-growing talking point among pseudo-libertarians is the idea that a free market will reward diversity and punish bigotry. Reality suggests otherwise.
Ordinary Tales – An Introduction and Call for Submissions
Starting today, Ordinary Times is pleased to announce a new regular sub-blog category, Ordinary Tales. Ordinary Tales will feature fiction, poetry, personal essays, original music, and visual art submissions.
A Risk Manager’s Take on Anthony Weiner
Tod Kelly puts on his risk management cap to assess the prospect of New Yorkers giving Anthony Weiner power.
Hollywood Love Stories Vs. The Giant Mechanical Man
The Giant Mechanical Man tackles a subject that Hollywood pretends to care about but actually ignores: falling in love.
July Leaguecast: The Role of Men in the 21st Century
Our panel of bloggers discuss the changing role of men in modern America and try to make sense of the madness.
As Predicted, Guilty Parties Walk in Zimmerman Trial
Stand Your Ground didn’t need to be called as a witness for Zimmerman to be important.
The Hardwired Bonds of Nurturing
I have a theory about pets and people without children. This theory is born out of mere anecdotal observation of friends and family, and as such it’s not very scientific. But I believe it...
Let’s just all be glad it wasn’t a SCOTUS decision about a rap album…
Yeah, so here’s a quick message to white politicians everywhere: Racial epithets actually sound waaaaay worse when you say them out loud than they do when you say them silently in your head. Really...
The Pick-Up Apologist: Kickstarter, Reddit, The Awl, and The Real Problem With Seduction Culture
Last night a reader forwarded me The Awl’s interview of Ken Hoinsky by Maria Bustillos. To be honest, I hadn’t intended to chime in on this story when I first came across it via...
Pundit Math: Russell Brand is Smarter than Three Cable News Anchors Combined
But that’s probably not a huge surprise, right? Still, I’m posting this video because it is my new favorite thing on the Internet ever. [A big, thankful hat tip to the always fabulous Alyssa Rosenberg.]...