Author: Roland Dodds

Roland Dodds is an educator, researcher and father who writes about politics, culture and education. He spent his formative years in radical left wing politics, but now prefers the company of contrarians of all political stripes (assuming they aren't teetotalers). He is a regular inactive at Harry's Place and Ordinary Times.
Bernie Sanders

The Case for Bernie Sanders

Symposium: The Sanders’ candidacy (and hopefully, eventual presidency) is an important step re-situating the Democratic Party as one built around the needs of working people and as a bulwark against right-wing populism.

On a Year Commuting by Train and Bike

For over a year, I have been commuting by train and bike from my home in Santa Rosa to South Marin County. This change in how I get to and from work has allowed for reflection on what it means to construct livability in our towns and cities.

The Company We All Keep

The Nation of Islam is anti-semitic, conspiratorial and destructive but we should examine their impact with the same willingness to understand allocated to Trump voters and the alt-Right.