Performative Politics is Weak Sauce for Disaster Relief
Whatever else can be said about MAGA Republicans, they do love a good show.
Whatever else can be said about MAGA Republicans, they do love a good show.
Ford’s willful naivete opened the door to our current state of play, where TFG dares America on a daily basis to reign him in.
Let’s toss a Cabinet Secretary Under the Bus – the Impeachment of Gus Mayorkas Further Illustrates GOP Disfunction
Republicans failing to see the forest for the trees, or why the GOP may yet snatch defeat from the jaws of victory
Normally I’d sit back, decry the situation in Mississippi, vote, and then go get a good stiff drink. I may have to do so again this year.
The story is straight forward enough – a gay male couple decides to leave gay friendly New Orleans because the rest of the state of Louisiana decides gay man and lesbian women (and trans...
A tongue in cheek comment about inflation causing a case of beer and a box of ammo to exceed the weekly average wage at some point due to inflation
My question to the Speaker is what are you going to do when you ram this through and Senate Republicans can’t carry it anywhere?
If the GOP truly value freedom and liberty then multi-cultural liberal democracy is still the best way to achieve it
While the outcomes are the same in both Biden and Trump’s incidents – Classified Documents in places they shouldn’t be – the mechanisms of getting them there are different.
One of the first orders of business for the 118th Congress was to create a Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of Government
The debt ceiling fight is about paying bills already incurred, for which federal agencies have the authority granted in federal law to cut checks.
Answering the problem of the GOP dog having caught the Roe V. Wade car with the Dobbs ruling this past summer
In an appeal to Republican voters ahead of the midterms to NOT abandon the GOP, Graham has introduced a national abortion restriction bill in the Senate.
It took a jury all of 3 hours to find Steve Bannon guilty of both counts.
Is it any wonder then that a highly placed Republican, running for governor in a swing state, would be involved in this sort of thing?
What do we do with a Drunken Market (that’s doing what it should – just not for you or me?)
How do we know that Ron DeSantis is now a leading light in Republican national politics? Simple…
So to reiterate – you are paying more at the gas pump because oil company executives are more concerned with their dividend rates then anything else.
So, do states control federal elections or does the federal government? SCOTUS seemed to think the federal government did a decade ago. Arizona Republicans disagree.