Author: Mike Schilling
Capitalists Clean Up
One of the central contradictions of capitalism is that what makes it work — competition — is also what capitalists want to get rid of the most.
Daniel Summers: Donald Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. just made pediatricians’ jobs a lot harder
If enough parents refuse to have their children vaccinated, the herd immunity that protects the nation as a whole will wane. There were a record number of measles cases in 2014, the majority in people who were unvaccinated. Does anyone want to share the experience of the Spanish parents whose unvaccinated son died of diphtheria in 2015, after that country had been free of the disease since 1986?
LG&M: On the Extremely Limited Value of Campaign Tactics Tautologies
After every remotely close election campaign, there are almost as many just-so stories about how there was one perfect campaign tactic that could have changed the outcome as there are pundits. And the problem is that the vast majority are just unfalsifiable tautologies with no retrospective or prospective value:
The Desolation of Smug
It’s not that I mind them being much worse people than we are. What really bugs me is their sense of superiority.