The Nation Apologizes….Sorta
Katrina vanden Heuvel offers a non-apology apology to John Tyner for allowing her magazine to smear him. By non-apology apology I mean that rather than acknowledge the innuendo in the piece was an outright slander...
Katrina vanden Heuvel offers a non-apology apology to John Tyner for allowing her magazine to smear him. By non-apology apology I mean that rather than acknowledge the innuendo in the piece was an outright slander...
I must take issue with Erik’s recent post on airport security in which he argued for abolishing the TSA, replacing it with privatized airport security, and adopting an Israeli “profiling” approach to airport security. ...
Via Brad Warbiany, it appears that it is now an appropriate function of the police to ticket stalwarts of minority communities for the abhorrent crime of….playing chess in a public park and making themselves...
Hugh Hewitt, one of America’s Most Easily Mocked Pundits™ argues that the first debate of the 2012 GOP primaries should not be moderated by MSM personalities from Politico and NBC, but instead by “different kinds...
Below, Ned rightly derides Rep. Peter King for calling the verdict in the Ghailani trial a “total miscarriage of justice.” Ned correctly notes that the miscarriage of justice here was not the verdict itself,...
It’s a rare day indeed that I get to say this, but today I’m quite proud of my state’s elected representatives in the State House: State senators Michael J. Doherty (R- Hunterdon) and James Beach...
Via Jeffrey Goldberg comes a remarkably useful tool: the Pamela Geller Shrieking Harpy Rant Generator. I hereby humbly submit this tool to our good friends at Popehat as a nominee for this week’s Friday Afternoon Time-waster.
Jason’s post on what is properly called Armistice Day, and the end of the myth of the nobility of war make this pertinent. Suicide in the Trenches by Siegfried Sassoon I knew a simple soldier...
“1. If there are people who want to drink from the toilet, shouldn’t we just let them do whatever makes them happy and keep all the good water for ourselves? 2. If a person...
Over at Fourth Branch, Publius crunches some numbers and determines that the combination of the election results last week and the results of the census will likely give Republicans a significant advantage in redistricting...
life doesn’t just imitate satire, but skips right over it and somehow becomes a parody of a parody while simultaneously being all too serious? Because that’s what the FDA seems to be shooting for,...
No compromises on extending the Bush tax cuts, even if that means they expire completely and taxes go up considerably. After all, it’s still the case that “there’s only going to be one person...
One of my earliest blog-buddies, Kip Esquire, used to have a running feature called “Kip’s Law Sighting.” Kip’s Law is simply described as: “Every advocate of central planning always — always — envisions himself...
In one of the recent threads on the supposed “threat” of sharia law and the resulting need for anti-sharia legislation, such as the recently passed resolution in Oklahoma, a commenter argues: By allowing Sharia...
(UPDATED BELOW THE FOLD) Joe Carter, with whom Barrett will be brawling beginning tomorrow, makes a highly unique argument with regards to the Tea Party, at least to the extent that he is making...
Buffalo Bills legend and Pro Football Hall of Famer Thurman Thomas is not only a supporter of Carl Paladino, but is actively campaigning on Paladino’s behalf, apparently being used to (amateurishly) deflect charges that...
Transplanted Lawyer has an important, must-read follow-up post to his piece on Oklahoma’s “anti-Sharia” referendum in which he looks closely at the cases cited by proponents of the law and finds them to be...
I have made a significant correction to my post yesterday on the effects of Citizens United on the race in OR-4. I somehow inexcusably managed to forget that individual contributions to PACs for independent...
Jonathan Bernstein argues that, although it is bad in itself and should be deterred to the extent possible, increased presence of fraud in a government program is a good sign that the program is...