Dig The Doodle
Good graphic design should be simple and communicate in an immediately powerful way. Here’s an example.
Good graphic design should be simple and communicate in an immediately powerful way. Here’s an example.
Noam Scheiber makes a radical suggestion. Eric Posner has lots of reasons why it’ll never work. Burt Likko says, “There’s a few things neither of you bright fellows have thought of.”
Renting a high-quality video camera setup and hiring a guy to operate it must be substantially more expensive than I would have first assumed.
So, that Stephen Glass guy. Tried to become a lawyer. Whatever happened to him?
By chance, sometimes the U.S. News and World Report rankings provide actual insight validated by empirical evidence. This is one of those times.
This appears to be the trendy item to have in your kitchen this season. But, what to do with it?
By special request: Burt Likko reflects on a dozen or so not-particularly-glamorous cases from early in his career.
The Republicans’ hope for capturing the governorship of California in 2014. No, really.
What’s to do when some parent (who obviously isn’t you because of course you have better judgment than that) brings their child to an inappropriate place? Also: food porn from Chicago!
Burt Likko is no rail engineer. But he is a lawyer, and that means he can offer at least one suggestion to moderate the ongoing boondoggle that is the California High Speed Rail Project.
A collaborative post by Chris and Burt Likko, telling the story of Zora Neale Hurston, an American writer who deserves to be better-known and better-read.
Now, before you get all in a huff about the California Supreme Court admitting an undocumented alien to practice law, at least read Burt Likko’s digest of the ruling.
Only five nations, including one that no longer exists, are on this week’s list.
A dramatic comparison between objective and per-capita listings for this weeks’ puzzle.
Two punk rock artists are released from a prison in Siberia. Do we still care? Burt Likko thinks we should.