Category: Blinded Trials
How I’d Like You to Treat My Son
With apologies to those readers who know this all too well, one of my three sons, James, has a Ridiculously Rare Chromosomal disorder.
Confederate Flags and Washington’s Football Team
So. Washington, D.C. has this football team. And it has a name. Some people want to change this team name, as it is flagrantly racist. I must say, seems rather reasonable to me. We...
Stupid Tuesday questions, HHC edition
Every cloud has a silver lining. Even the one that he kicked up.
What’s in a Maiden Name?
A Facebook friend, and fellow female professor, recently made a status update that mentioned that her students call her “Mrs. X.” She is unmarried and has a doctorate. She signs her emails with “Dr....
Let me answer your question, Slate
Why does James Franco make people so angry? I’m glad you asked, Karina
Stupid Tuesday questions, Waffle House edition
What?!? You mean it’s NOT the happiest sound goin’ down today?
What is this thing you call “Breaking Bad”?
There are still unifying forces in American popular culture. Don’t believe me? Try missing a few.
When it doesn’t help to check the label
Cold and flu season is coming. Why is the FDA making the treatment potentially more dangerous than the illness?
Picking a loser
I’m pretty sure my friend is going to get her clock cleaned. I’m going to vote for her anyway.
Tuesday questions, Bravo edition
Bethenny Frankel is famous. Won’t someone please help me understand why?
The other side of the adoption coin
Adoption can be a painful process and a heart-breaking decision. That doesn’t mean it’s not the right one.
Stupid Tuesday questions, Don Alverzo edition
Eight shiny brass monkeys from the ancient, sacred crypts of Egypt. Or at least that’s how I learned it.