This depends a bit on perspective and I can’t say that it’s 100% true. But an emailer writes to inform me that for a bit there you could literally not find an item on Kausfiles’s front page that could be considered critical of conservatives or Republicans.
Could this maybe, possibly, a little bit, be seen as evidence that Kaus isn’t doing any good for liberalism or the Democrats? Just asking!
(And would conservatives even entertain the idea that someone like Kaus actually had their best interests at heart? And doesn’t the fact that they wouldn’t say good things for liberalism? -ed.) I think it does! But I don’t have to actually argue about it because I constantly write “funny” little asides like this that I feel I don’t have to defend! (I know! -ed.)
George Orwell was frequently criticized by other leftists for what they believed to be his singleminded obsession with finding fault with socialism. His response was, and I’m paraphrasing, one’s own house must be in good order before one can dwell on the mess in another’s,Report
Orwell had Stalin to deal with, Kaus has Obama.Report