Lives Intersect And We Just Move On

Will Truman

Will Truman is the Editor-in-Chief of Ordinary Times. He is also on Twitter.

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10 Responses

  1. Brandon Berg says:

    The name sounds familiar, but other than that I have no idea who Ray Liotta was. This sentence in his Wikipedia article came off as a bit strange to me, considering that he died six weeks ago: “The exact cause of his death has never been revealed.” Makes it sound like it’s been a mystery for years.Report

  2. fillyjonk says:

    And the pandemic has absolutely messed up my ability to meet new people, and thus, make new friends, which was never good at the best of times.

    most of the friends I’ve lost in recent years, I’ve lost to death (most of them older than I am) which is pretty final. A couple people kind of moved on in their lives and our circles no longer intersect.

    I don’t know if it’s a quirk of my brain wiring but I HATE losing contact with people. I’ve never had a real “blow up” friend loss, but I’ve had many where they just sort of stopped e-mailing or calling. And of course, another quirk of my brain wiring is I assume this is somehow my fault – I’m too boring, or I said something that insulted them, or one of any number of reasons.

    But it does seem these past few years my life has been dominated by “losing people” and I really haven’t “gained” very many – and it makes me worry that this is a trend, and my social circle will eventually be me (and the people I am kind of parasocially connected to online) and I don’t like that. I’ve even said to myself, “Maybe middle age is just an increasing series of losses until when Death comes for you, you shrug and go “nothing really left for me here” and aren’t troubled by it?”

    I wish I were better at accepting that people move on, connections are lost. It’s funny, I have no problems with it about students or more casual acquaintances, but every friend that moves away, or dies, or stops returning my calls is acutely painful.Report

    • PD Shaw in reply to fillyjonk says:

      There is a study that concluded the number of friendships peaks at age 25. I saw this in an advice piece from an older person about the different things one should do now to be happy later in life. One is supposed to fight this trend.Report