Weekend Plans Post: The Last Normal Weekend For A While


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to AskJaybird-at-gmail.com

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22 Responses

  1. James K says:

    My apartment purchase settled yesterday, so I’m officially a home-owner. This weekend will be the last of my packing, or as close as possible before the move on Wednesday.Report

  2. Damon says:

    I too am looking forward to Cyberpunk. A youtube video of the game described the player taking hours to complete the prologue. WOW. If it’s half as good a wticher 3 it’ll rock.Report

    • Jaybird in reply to Damon says:

      Given that it comes out NEXT WEEK, doubts have started creeping in for me.

      What if there’s too much combat? What if it’s just fetch quests? What if character customization is limited and I can’t make a character that looks like me and I have to choose between one that looks like Jon Hamm or Jude Law or Colin Farrell? At least put a Jake Gyllenhaal on there that I can make bald and put a beard on! Oh my gosh, what if it stinks?Report

  3. fillyjonk says:

    I guess I will be making my mom’s “light fruitcake” recipe this weekend, given that my order of candied fruit and currants arrived from nuts. com

    Other than that, I don’t know. I’m worn out and today I am having a bad “grief ball” day (reference) because someone I know from church who, before he became so ill, was an important part of the congregation died last week and his memorial service (such as we can do with distancing) is today.

    Also, I scrubbed whatever plans I had to go “big shopping” in North Texas any time soon; the places I would go to are in counties that have gone back to strictly restricting occupancy (because hospitals are full) and I don’t want to wind up standing waiting outside the JoAnn’s or something. And no, there is literally nowhere else I could drive to within a couple hours of me.

    I’m telling myself this is the worst and darkest part and it will get better soon but I am also having a hard time convincing myself.

    Next week is distanced exam week, and I am expecting to deal with lots of computer problems from people; some places here the internet isn’t exactly stable. I don’t like being more of a tech support person than I am a teacher but this is just life now.

    Honestly I am just mad that evolution took the ability to hibernate from humans; it would be a lot easier this year to just tank up on some big meals and then sleep until March.Report

    • Pinky in reply to fillyjonk says:

      I think the bulk of the most vulnerable will get vaccinated in the next three months, so new deaths should plummet. Death rates are down from the first wave because we’re better at treating it, and potentially down from the summer wave (although it’s still too early in a wave to be sure). And it’s more like 30 new deaths in 40 states than 1200 new deaths in a single metro area, so we’re less likely to see systems really overwhelmed. With all due respect to hospital workers, it looks like a lot of facilities are near capacity only because they’ve staffed down to prevent the spread. If they had to, they could handle more patients.

      I want a shot so I can recreationally travel, but I’m not going to try to bump my way forward in line for that.

      As for this weekend, no recreational travel, so takeout on Saturday, church on Sunday. I wouldn’t be looking to do any in-store shopping in December even if there wasn’t a virus.Report

      • Brandon Berg in reply to Pinky says:

        I think the bulk of the most vulnerable will get vaccinated in the next three months, so new deaths should plummet.

        I’d think it would make more sense to prioritize potential superspreaders, like people working in essential services. Priority should be on slowing the spread, not protecting people who are unlikely to get the disease.Report

        • Pinky in reply to Brandon Berg says:

          I don’t know. At less than 1% fatality for healthy patients, my assumption is it’s better to prioritize the people more likely to die from the virus. But either way, the nurses and elder care specialists have got to be high on the list.Report

    • Jaybird in reply to fillyjonk says:

      People start getting the vaccination in anywhere to a couple of weeks to a month if the twitters aren’t lying.

      Things will start to turn around soon.

      But yeah.Report

    • I’m really sorry to hear about your friend from church.Report

  4. Fish says:

    One week down, two weeks to go. After which, through the magic of strategically-placed PTO, I will enjoy 11 days off.

    This weekend will be spent figuring out where I can get a good prime rib roast–going to try my hand at one for Christmas dinner. Probably not a good idea to attempt something like that for Christmas dinner, but to hell with it. I’ve got a handful of other errands that I’d only really be running just to get out of the house for a bit, so I’m going to sit here and watch Hertha Berlin vs. Union Berlin and think about how badly these errands need to be run given current circumstances.

    I’ll also spend some time playing Darkest Dungeon and I’m 44 pages into Battle Ground, the latest Dresden Files book (and those 44 pages were GOOOOOOOOD).Report

  5. LeeEsq says:

    I’m going to clean and try to enjoy the last meals out for a bit.Report