
Mike Schilling

Mike has been a software engineer far longer than he would like to admit. He has strong opinions on baseball, software, science fiction, comedy, contract bridge, and European history, any of which he's willing to share with almost no prompting whatsoever.

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22 Responses

  1. Rufus F. says:

    Just saw this. I mean, I can almost grok #3. And 4 is Hemingway- I think The Sun Also Rises, though I *really* should know this.Report

  2. Jaybird says:

    11. Marley and Me, John Grogan.Report

    • Jaybird in reply to Jaybird says:

      Okay. I’ll tackle. But I’ll also use rot13 on behalf of the folks who are spending the morning at church.

      Bar fgevxrf zr nf Urzzvatjnl’f Tencrf bs Jengu, ohg gung’f n thrff.
      Gjb V qba’g xabj ohg vs gurl’er uvggvat, gura gurl zvtug or cynlvat onfronyy naq vs gurl’er cynlvat onfronyy, znlor gurer’f n thl pngpuvat onfronyyf bhg va gur elr. Fb V’z tbvat gb thrff gung guvf vf WQ Fnyvatre.
      Guveq unf zr thrffvat ragveryl. Znegvna? Fzvgu? Uez. V’z tbvat gb tb jvgu Fgenatre va n Fgenatr Ynaq ol Urvayrva.
      Sbhegu? Ab vqrn. Obkvat? Vf gung Hcqvxr? Fb zl thrff jbhyq or Eha Enoovg Eha ol Hcqvxr.
      Svsgu. Znqarff… hz. Ybirpensg’f Pnyy bs Pguhyuh.
      Fvkgu? Ab vqrn jungfbrire.
      Frira. Qnat vg.
      Rvtug. V srry yvxr V fubhyq xabj guvf bar ohg abguvat vf rira fubjvat hc gb uryc zr thrff.
      Avar. Uez. Ngynf Fuehttrq?
      Gra. Bu, gung’f n terng fgneg ohg V xabj gung 1984 bcraf jvgu gur pybpxf fgevxvat guvegrra.
      Ryrira vf ubj Qvpxraf ortvaf N Puevfgznf Pneby. Gung vf na nofbyhgryl nznmvat fgneg. Bar bs gur orfg.
      Gjryir. Uez. N Cenlre sbe Bjra Zrnal ol Wbua Veivat?
      Guvegrra. Guvf bar vf Nhfgra ohg V qba’g xabj juvpu bar! Cevqr naq Cerwhqvpr?
      Sbhegrra. N tbbq fgneg ohg V’ir tbg ab vqrn.
      Svsgrra. Gjb jnlf gb tb sbe guvf. N puvyqera’f obbx nobhg punenpgref jvgu anzrf yvxr Znegva B’Znyyrl be… V’z tbvat gb thrff gung gur zbyr vf n grez bs neg. Vg’f bar bs Wbua yr Pneer’f. Gvaxre, Gnvybe, Fbyqvre, Fcl?
      Fvkgrra. Gur Znxvat bs Gur Znxvat bs Fgne Jnef.
      Friragrra. Fpnyfpv’f Byq Zna’f Jne. Uhu. Jr’ir ernpurq gur cbvag jurer guvf vf fubjvat hc va gurfr glcrf bs dhvmmrf. Tbbq sbe uvz.
      Rvtugrra. Ab vqrn.
      Avargrra. V xabj gung V fubhyq xabj guvf bar!
      Gjragl. Guvf bar vf Pyvir Fgncyrf naq V guvax gung vg’f Iblntr bs gur Qnja Gernqre.Report

    • Mike Schilling in reply to Jaybird says:

      “Bob Marley was baked, to begin with.”Report

  3. Ben Sears says:

    Split this score in half. It’s a combined effort between my wife and me. No making fun of our guesses. Hid the answers/guesses with rot13 (https://rot13.com/) to avoid spoiling in case we got some of the obscure ones right.
    1. Tencrf bs Jengu – Fgrvaorpx
    2. Gur Fbhaq naq gur Shel – Snhyxare
    3. Fgenatre va n Fgenatr Ynaq – Urvayrva
    4. Obasver bs gur Inavgvrf – Jbysr
    5. Gryygnyr Urneg – Cbr
    6. N Evire Ehaf Guebhtu Vg – Gung thl jub jebgr N Evire Ehaf Guebhtu Vg
    7. Pnonerg – Jr guvax gung zvtug unir orra n obbx svefg. – Gnyrfr?
    8. Navzny Snez – Bejryy
    9. Sbhaqngvba – Nfvzbi
    10. Arhebznapre – Tvofba
    11. N Puevfgznf Pneby – Qvpxraf, ohg gur svefg guvat gung pnzr gb zvaq jnf Zvgpu Noybz’f qbt rhybtl.
    12.Gur Ynfg Pnfgengb – Naar Evpr – Jr unir ab vqrn, ohg Evpr qvq jevgr n obbx nobhg n Pnfgengb naq gung zvtug or gur gvgyr fur tnir vg.
    13. Cevqr naq Cerwhqvpr – Nhfgra
    14. Wbo – Urvayrva – V qbhog lbh qvq gur fnzr nhgube gjvpr, ohg vg’f jung jr tbg.
    15. Guhzoryvan – Naqrefba – V’yy or znq vs vg’f Sebt naq Gbnq.
    16. Arirejurer – Tnvzna
    17. Byq Zna’f Jne – Fpnymv
    18. Pybpxjbex Benatr – Ohetrff
    19. Pevzr naq Chavfuzrag – Qbfgblrifxl
    20. Iblntr bs gur Qnja Gernqre – YrjvfReport

  4. Michael Cain says:

    I only got 3, 11, and 15. But I am getting old, and the little voice in the back of my head that is in charge of searching the archives is not as good as he once was.Report

  5. Declaring this closed. The clear winners are the Searses, with 10 correct answers, followed by KenB, Rufus, and Jaybird with 2, 1, and 1 respectively.

    The answers are:

    1. The Grapes of Wrath – Steinbeck
    2. The Sound and the Fury – Faulkner
    3. Stranger in a Strange Land – Heinlein
    4. The Sun Also Rises — Hemingway
    5. The Tell-tale Heart – Poe
    6. The Great Gatsby – Fitzgerald
    7. The Age of Innocence – Wharton
    8. Animal Farm – Orwell
    9. Babbitt – Lewis
    10. Brave New World – Huxley
    11. A Christmas Carol – Dickens,
    12. A Prayer for Owen Meany – Irving
    13. Pride and Prejudice – Austen
    14. The Restaurant at the End of the Universe – Adams
    15. The Wind in the Willows – Grahame
    16. Neverwhere – Gaiman
    17. Old Man’s War – Scalzi
    18. The Man Who Was Thursday – Chesterton
    19. Notes From Underground – Dostoevsky
    20. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader – LewisReport