Elon Musk For President (of Twitter)!

Val Heath

Val Heath is a former investigative journalist living and writing in Boston with his family. Currently, he is a communications professional while finishing a master’s degree in economics. He did not learn how to make sourdough bread during the pandemic.

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4 Responses

  1. Jaybird says:

    A thread that surprised me. Mostly because it’s from one of the Reddit guys and I admit to being vaguely biased against Reddit. But he offers a lot of insight:

    Here’s the part that made me step back and reconsider some stuff:

    Maybe Elon shouldn’t get involved at Twitter.

    (I do wish that Twitter were more transparent, though…)Report

    • InMD in reply to Jaybird says:

      It’s an interesting thread and probably has some merit to it. But he also skips over the real big change, which was the realization that these things need to be monetized to stay afloat, which is what has given us the increasingly efficient targeting algorithms and the side effects thereof. The money of course is why just turning them off and regression to a more stylized, fun version of the ‘post and share’ approach is not something any tech mogul will ever entertain. And it isn’t like they themselves didn’t kind of volunteered to play this game.

      Of course we could all also just be grown ups and turn these stupid things off, which I know is totally out of the question.Report

  2. Chip Daniels says:

    There has always been a form of argument that “If people only knew the truth about Trump” , or “If they saw the real face of the Republican Party” then somehow they would reject them.
    And there is merit to this, in that often the Republican agenda is hidden under layers of absurd conspiracy theories, which suggests that they know it would be unpopular if spoken aloud.

    But we also should come to terms with the fact that there is a terrifyingly large number of people who do see it exactly as it is and like it.

    Authoritarianism is always popular because of this human failing, the desire to be part of the ingrown and exact cruelty on the outgroup.Report

  3. Rufus F. says:

    My money’s on this being an attention-getting stunt and he’ll announce on the 20th that he doesn’t want Twitter. Admittedly, I don’t really give a good gosh darn how this plays out anyway.Report