Are Democrats Finally Learning How to Play Hardball?

Senate Democrats
There has been surprising news recently on the decennial redistricting front. Following the 2020 general election, Democrats were convinced that they would be put at a severe disadvantage in the upcoming redistricting process. They believed that a strong Republican downballot showing would lead to gerrymandering that would eliminate many Democrats’ districts and create a harsher environment in which to compete. Gerrymandering was part of the general doom and gloom that took over the Democratic Party last year regarding their electoral prospects.
But in the past month, it has become clear that these concerns were premature at best. Democrats have maintained parity in most state maps. Some of the nation’s most egregious gerrymanders have been overturned or stalled by state courts, while other Republican-drawn maps were more favorable than Democrats had feared. At the same time, Democratic-led states have fully embraced partisan gerrymandering. As Eric Levitz noted last December,
Democratic trifectas have arguably mustered more ruthless party discipline in redistricting than Republicans have. Illinois, Oregon, and New York have all pursued aggressive partisan gerrymanders that have subordinated the job security of some incumbents to maximizing the overall number of Democratic-leaning seats.
The process in New York produced a map that gives Democrats a sizable advantage. Pending court challenges, this map will be enacted just a few weeks after Democrats rejected a bipartisan commission that had reached an impasse about how to proceed with redistricting. Ed Kilgore remarked about the redistricting process in New York that “the aggressive effort… has prompted accusations of hypocrisy toward Democrats, who have frequently campaigned against gerrymandering. Party officials say they are merely matching an example set by Republicans across the country.”
The Democratic reluctance to gerrymander did not end because Republicans started embracing the process. American political parties have been waging wars on electoral districts in some form or fashion ever since Elbridge Gerry’s original manipulated map. In this latest round of controversy, Republicans have been redrawing lines in capricious ways since 2010. They used sophisticated software, millions in corporate funding, and advanced demographic data to draw elaborate districts that diminished the voting strength of Democrats and African Americans.
Democrats’ main response to this approach for several years was not to embrace partisan gerrymandering on the other side. In fact, they routinely criticized states such as Maryland for going too far with pro-Democratic maps. Their solution was to identify gerrymandering as wrong and outside of the pale of Democratic decision-making. A nonpartisan approach would harm the party in Maryland at the same time it helped Democrats in Florida, Texas, or North Carolina.
But a sea change occurred in the middle of the Trump administration. Two developments altered the Democratic approach to redistricting. One was the decision of the Supreme Court in 2019 refusing to end gerrymandering on the basis that it was a “political question” outside of the scope of the Court. In that decision, the Court rejected the nonpartisan “efficiency gap” that Democrats had championed as their main alternative to partisan redistricting. The approach was dismissed out of hand, with Chief Justice John Roberts earlier referring to it as “sociological gobbledygook.”
Along with the nation’s highest court, Republicans at the state level started to simply ignore the decisions of nonpartisan commissions. After years of this behavior, the tide turned in the Democratic Party. As with campaign contributions, Democrats started to realize that they would no longer be able to compete on the national level if they did not start using the same tactics as their opponents. The decision in New York was simply the latest culmination of this Trump-era tack towards power politics.
It remains to be seen whether Democrats have the stomach for partisan redistricting. Democrats have had difficulty prioritizing political expediency over the ideals of activists and experts. Many Democrats still oppose redistricting for raw political gain and want the technocratic mapping commissions to succeed. But Democrats also still hate Republicans. They see the Republican Party as a fascist cabal devoted to a leader they despise. As long as these feelings exist within the party, an argument with the result that Republicans have more power, more seats, and a better chance of taking charge of the country will not garner any support.
It’s an unpalatable but necessary step. As long as the practice of gerrymandering was considerably less painful for Republicans there would be no incentive to discontinue it. The only way to get a bipartisan (aka the only) solution to gerrymandering will be to for both sides to see it as necessary- not just one.Report
The problem is that Republican politicians have shown themselves perfectly willing and able to ignore referendums and decisions from voters that they do not like. Ohio Republicans did this with redistricting. Florida did this for voting rights for ex felons. Mississippi did it for medical marijuana. Several states have done it for minimum wage hikes.Report
Yes, that’s my point. The only solution to gerrymandering will be to stick is as hard to Republicans in blue states as Republicans stick it to Democratic politicians in Red states. When a gerrymandering solution is presented that is even handed to both sides it’ll be accepted by both sides only if both sides view its arrival with relief.Report
“It’s an unpalatable but necessary step.”
I guess “being able to justify abandoning your principles” is a useful skill for the millenarian cultistReport
As opposed to the “Ends justify the means” scorched earth approach from Republicans?Report
it’s amusing watching “those guys were mean to us so it’s okay for us to be mean back” flip between being a disgusting excuse for racism and being hard-nosed realist pragmatismReport
Extremism n the defense of liberty is no vice, and moderation in pursuit of justice is no virtue.Report
“Wait, that’s not what I’d consider to be liberty! Holy cow! That’s not what I’d consider justice either! What about the process where we reach consensus on these things? Why are you guys being so extremist?”Report
The problem with Gerrymandering is that it becomes *REAL* easy to go from “not having to campaign for your stuff” to “living in a bubble”.
And every now and again a wave shows up and the bubbles pop. Heck, how many wave elections have we had in the last two decades? Three?Report
This article is hilarious to anyone who has lived in Illinois.Report
I haven’t ever lived in Illinois but I still laughed out loud several timesReport
Yeah, nothing has changed for me other than I’ve moved from a Republican sink to a Democrat spread, which probably means that even though the odds will not favor the Republicans, there will likely be more competition on the ballot.
As Will Rogers noted, a politician is just like a pickpocket; it’s almost impossible to get one to reform. The only thing that’s really changed is that the mainstream media started cheering for pickpockets.Report
…blah blah blah blah blah “The rules for thee and not for me” blah blah blah blah blah…Report
Who, exactly, do you believe is saying that?Report
Those People.Report
New York should not be read as anything in the way of national trend – its been a solidly blue state for some time, and while Republicans do have some representation, Democrats don’t need to gerrymander to keep their majorities.
That aside, no this isn’t the hardball democrats need to play. Dismantle Republican gerrymandering, win elections through strong and consistent messaging, and deliver for constituents. Its a formula that actually works.Report
I don’t understand how you can come to that conclusion. This isn’t about a blue state still being blue on the state level. Or a red stay still being red.
It’s about the power a party can wield on a national level. Local representation is entirely irrelevant as it is sacrificed to increase/preserve a political party’s national power base.Report
One of them any reasons I detest gerrymandering, including by Democrats. Thankfully, democrats don’t really do it anywhere other then New York state right now, and so its a lot easier to point out, condemn and try to undo. As we are seeing over and over elsewhere, Republicans are using it as an organized practice, and ditching non-partisan and bi-partisan alternatives. The Courts, so far, are calling them out for it.Report
They do it in several states beyond New York. Illinois being a notable example.Report
“I never thought that politicians would gerrymander MY district!” sobs person who voted for the Politicians Gerrymandering Districts Party.
While its nice to imagine Dems playing hardball politics, the two parties are still wildly asymmetrical in their composition and viewpoint.
The Republican Party isn’t “playing politics” hardball or otherwise. They view the Democrats as fundamentally illegitimate holders of power, and have encased themselves in an alternate world of lies to justify their viewpoint.
Election fraud, vast rings of pedophiles, quack medical beliefs…These are now the Three Legged Stool of Republican ideology and there really isn’t any clever strategy the Dems can use to break them of this. They have to do it for themselves.Report
Unilateral disarmament is stupid and deadly. It would be nice to live in a world where everyone agreed that partisan gerrymandering was a moral wrong but this is not the world we live in. Most Americans, Democratic or Republican, generally oppose partisan gerrymandering. However, when red states have laws that prohibit it, we have seen Republican legislatures basically state “who cares about what the voters want?” Look at the recent example in Ohio where the Governor’s own son refused to recuse himself from a case on a hyper-partisan map that went against laws that call for districts to be drawn/created by a nonpartisan/neutral commission.Report
If Republican’s dislike what Democrat’s are doing in Illinois, New York, and other states, the good thing is we have a way to fix that problem.Report
As I’ve said before, I’m in favor of a political solution which negotiates the principles by which districts are drawn and redrawn algorithmically (not by commission).
And the more I see ‘fair-ish’ maps drawn by commissions it seems that we can detect a very strong bias in favor of incumbency. The balance might be better (yay) but the districts are safer (boo). Which itself is a political problem.
The more I think about these things, the more I come down in favor of an algorithm that favors compactness and competitiveness. I don’t like the new model of all the Dems and all the Repubs having ‘safe’ seats with one or two toss ups. I’d rather see the number of safe seats reduced and the number of competitive ones increased.
It’s ok to disagree with this – its purely prudential – but I have concerns about the incumbency model dominating the commissions (whether intentional or not).
Here’s the link to the (dated) 528 Map where you can play with simple rules to see how a simple preference can change outcomes… and how we have to decide ‘what’ the rules are more than we need to create ‘independent’ commissions.
Years ago there was (and maybe still is) an online simulator that challenges you to draw district lines based on different criteria. With each successful map, there are more and more criteria and/or higher and higher thresholds to meet. It was really eye-opening to how challenging the task is when driven my human interests and demands.
At the time, it seemed obvious that there had to be an algorithm or some other non-human way to do it. The algorithm will still only do whatever the humans tell it to do, but if the algorithm is set at the national level, it’d seem pretty easy to game. Set your criteria and prioritize them and let the algorithm go to work.Report
I think this was it but it seems to use Flash which I guess is no longer with us?Report
“algorithm will still only do whatever the humans tell it to do”
Agreed… which is why I think this is the real discussion we should have – even if you want human commissions they are still just implementing ‘rules’ – and it’s becoming increasingly clear that the rules they are implementing are favoring safe seats in an effort to remain ‘proportional’.
That’s a political decision with it’s own consequences.Report
Yes but I imagine the algorithm would clean some of that up.
How do we define “compactness”? Well, we could set distance parameters within the algorithm. Humans could look at something clearly non-compact and say, “Well, it looks compact TO ME!”Report
I think I like counties enough to want districts to be made up of counties. I was surprised to see that the last new county was created in 2001 (in Colorado, no less). I guess I thought that they merged and split semi-regularly enough to see changes in a year-to-year map.
As it turns out, they’re pretty static.
But representative of small contiguous groups to a degree that make some kind of non-partisan (by definitions in the current year, anyway) sense.Report
Sure, there’s an option to ‘prefer’ borders vs. pure algorithmic mapping. I’d be fine with that.
For me it’s sort of a big picture thing… if you look at the 528 map a few things stand out:
* Max Gerrymander can only achieve ~ 25 ‘contested’ seats for either party (the goal being 0)
* Every ‘well you have to understand’ map has ~ 85 contested seats
* If you just make it competitive: ~242 contested seats (almost half)
So in the great haggle over how compact vs how much weight to give to other criteria, as long as we’re seeing 200+ competitive seats? I’m probably fine with whatever compromises we made along the way.Report
Consider Colorado.
The ten big Front Range counties (including Broomfield but not Pueblo) have 83% of the state’s population. Trim off the rural areas — eastern Adams, Arapaho, and Weld, the far mountain parts of Jefferson, Boulder, and Larimer — until you get 75%. That’s exactly what you need for six of the eight districts. And they all have the same concerns: unmanageable growth, water, fire. The rural pruning really should be enough to make those six be short on population, because that’s where 80% of the population growth will be for the next ten years. The six districts are obvious: one at the south end centered on Colorado Springs, one at the north end based on Larimer and Weld, Denver, and three metro Denver suburban districts.
That’s not what the commission did. They preserved the power of the Boulder Democratic mafia, and they kept suburbanite Ken Buck representing the rural Eastern Plains. While the national Democratic Party is treating Joe Neguse as a rising star, I’m hoping that someone like John Kefalas from the northern end of the second district — already dominant in terms of population — primaries him.Report
The premise of the piece appears to be that gerrymandering is a Republican phenomenon in which Democrats are being forced to take part. How accurate is this? I just took a look at the Wikipedia entry on ‘Gerrymandering in the United States,’ which a few examples of the most egregiously gerrymandered congressional districts. These are split pretty evenly between pro-D and pro-R.
This leads to an obvious question: from where does the inaccuracy spring?
My observation is that Democrats have committed themselves to the view that they are singularly dedicated to doing the will of the people, placing them in opposition to Republicans, who are singularly dedicated to doing political dirty tricks in furtherance of perpetual minority rule. I understand why people might want to uphold this as a self-image. But this is a recipe for failure and frustration. Why do this to yourselves?Report
Fishing Democrats. It’s like in 2000 when their justices voted in lockstep to count the votes instead of taking the high road and giving it to Bush.Report
Mike, you are the undisputed king of the ironic Russel conjugation.Report