Andrew Yang and the Benefits of Running for President

Eric Medlin

History instructor. Writer. Rising star in the world of affordable housing.

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4 Responses

  1. superdestroyer says:

    Martin O-Malley also ran for President in 2016, lasted longer than Chaffee or Webb and did not gain anything from the run.Report

  2. Jaybird says:

    I think that Yang is a little bit of lightning in a bottle.

    He’s got the name recognition among the media set from last time and mix that with the charisma and enthusiasm that you already mentioned, he’s someone who can move the audience from “okay, you have my curiosity” to “okay, you have my attention”.

    Part of the current problem with Yang (WHOM I LOVE!) is that he’s not going to be able to capitalize on the Refund The Police wave currently taking over New York City. He’ll come up with some dumb-assed third way that only crazy people will be on board with (and no two of them will describe Yang’s plan the same way).

    But the whole “Politicians Who Actually Care” thing is a good thing. Make the “Tough On Crime” guy have to debate his way to the other side of the one who actually cares before s/he takes office.Report

  3. Saul Degraw says:

    The last polling had Andrew Yang at a distanish second in the Democratic Primary, Abrams was at 22 percent, Yang at 16 percent, and Garcia was at 15 percent. So Democratic voters do not quite go for this to the same degree as Republican voters yet. The mystery for this primary is that it will be the first with instant run off voting so people’s second or third choices might end up as a decisive factor. IReport