Mini-Throughput: Rubin Observatory Edition

The Rubin Observatory’s L1 lens — the largest lens ever built. Credit: LSST/Rubin Observatory
In the 1750’s, French astronomer Charles Messier was using a relatively new invention, the telescope, to hunt for comets. Messier was very systematic in his approach and began scanning the entire sky. Eventually, he found a fuzzy object in the constellation of Taurus. He continued to observe it for several nights and noted that, unlike a comet, it did not move. This meant that it was something celestial, not solar. Messier wasn’t sure what it was, but knowing what it wasn’t, he recorded it to make sure it didn’t get mistaken for a comet again. Over the next three decades, Messier would discover a dozen comets but also record 110 of these “not comets”. In the end, bigger telescopes would reveal them to be the shattered remnants of dead stars, massive clusters of stars or galaxies at unthinkable distances. They would be the most interesting things he discovered.
Thus, was born the concept of the astronomical survey. Astronomers had been cataloguing objects in the sky for thousands of years but the telescope allowed something new — surveying the sky beyond what the human eye could see, recording everything that could be recorded over as much of the sky as one could access. Notes on journals gave way to photographic plates with the 1885 Harvard Survey and the 1950’s Palomar Survey. Plates gave way to photoelectric detectors — digital cameras — with the 1990s Sloan Survey and the current Pan-STARRS survey.
The Vera Rubin Observatory — formerly the LSST — is the latest and greatest of these projects. Currently under construction in Chile, it will use an 8.4-meter-wide field telescope to survey most of the Southern sky every few nights. It will not only catalog the sky to greater depth than before, but it will also monitor billions of objects for changes in brightness that can reveal astronophysical phenomena.
This week, it hit an important milestone on the way to first light later this year when the Top-End Assembly was installed:
That top-end assembly holds a 3.4-meter secondary mirror. Four meters used to be the gold standard for astronomical telescopes — now it’s what you use to increase your focal length. The telescope’s optics are insanely complicated because it has to produce a flat image over a massive area of sky and a giant 3 gigapixel detector. Projecting a curved image onto a flat surface will always produce some distortion but the telescope uses the largest lenses ever constructed to get a perfect focus across the entire field.
It will be a while before the Rubin Observatory telescope is fully armed and operational. And a bit longer before the first results come out. But this amazing feat of engineering is going to make a huge number of breakthroughs on some of the outstanding problems in astrophysics. And, if we’re very lucky, answers questions we don’t even know we should be asking yet.
I read about these new telescopes, and think about the setup at the last observatory I visited (Lowell, in Flagstaff, AZ).
We’ve come a long way, baby.Report
The technology that makes the big mirrors is insane.Report
I know. Not my area, but I read about it from time to time and marvel at it.Report
Since we have the Hubble in orbit where it can operate free of atmospheric and light interference, what is the purpose of building terrestrial observatories? Don’t get me wrong, this is pretty cool, but are we doing it just because we can?Report
My bet, cost.
Rubin probably cost an order of magnitude less to build, and a similar difference in lifetime maintenance costs.
Should we ever build a space elevator, or develop some kind of exotic engine that can take us to space on the cheap, terrestrial observatories might become a thing of the past, but until then…
Also, I’m pretty sure that the wide range of telescopes we have allows for some very interesting observations that can be made that a single space borne telescope simply can’t.Report
What Oscar said. But I would add that Hubble could not do this kind of thing. First of all, it’s massively oversubscribed. But second, it images a very tiny portion of the sky. The field of view of the Rubin telescope is 3000 times bigger than that of Hubble.Report
Thanks, gents. I learned something today.Report
I know you can use multiple radio telescopes to improve the ability to observe a given object (Interferometry). I think it works for optical telescopes as well, so the Rubin could team up with other observatories to improve the resolution of, say, a supernova that is underway. Hubble can also join in the fun, but there is a lot of value in having observatories scattered across the world.Report
How long is the waiting list going to be for it once the ELT is fully operational? Which is an insane device. The possibility of exoplanet imaging from a ground-based telescope was a fantasy when I was at an age to think of grinding my own 12″ mirror.Report