Butcher Box, Misfits Market, and Food Delivered in a Box
It seems like every day on various media outlets, mainly conservative outlets that produce a media product designed to enrage boomers, you hear about another thing Millennials have “destroyed.” I am here to tell you that we are coming for your grocery stores next.1 In more recent times, logistics has reached a point where you can push a button and something can be delivered to your door the next day. Wild!
Starting in the mid-2000s, subscription meal-kit services began to hawk their products more aggressively. Subscription-based services are not a new concept, of course, but this concept would ship a ready to prepare meal to your door. Now, there is a distinction here because a meal delivery service2 delivers you a prepackaged meal that is already prepared, all you have to do is heat it up. Meal kits, deliver partially prepared and fresh ingredients and a recipe for you to follow. Some examples are, and you might have seen coupons for these in your Barnes & Noble delivery, Hello Fresh and Blue Apron.3
I have never personally tried any of those services, I recall my wife and I discussing it in passing, but we never pulled the trigger. These meal-kit services have spawned yet another group of subscription-based services, boxes of produce and meat. Now understand, your boy hails from hillbilly country in Pennsylvania, and I recognize that a lot of Farms and Farmers markets have the Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) “boxes.” So, I know plopping produce in a box and selling it is not a new concept. However, with CSA, you are limited to what you get, and I am not expert, but they aren’t growing citrus in Pennsylvania, for example.
Misfits Market
What happens when a global pandemic hits and going to the grocery store becomes even MORE of a chore? The answer is “grow your own produce, Chris,4” BUT we recently relocated, bought a new house, and had a new baby, so a garden really isn’t on the top of my list of things to do. Enter Misfits Market, a subscription-based produce service. I heard of it from one of my good friends who was also kind enough to provide a code so I would get a discount on the first box and he would get one for the referral.5 I had also seen it advertised on the hellsite, Facebook.
I gotta give credit where credit is due, it was my wife’s idea, and at her urging, we signed up. I was very skeptical of this kind of thing. Just thinking of how a box of organic fruit and vegetables being delivered to your house from some random warehouse gave me the howling fantods. During this weird time, finding stuff at the grocery store was becoming hard, and we were more accustomed to weekly shops and hitting the store in between for random things we needed for meals. Waiting in line every 10-14 days to grocery shop was not a good time.

What we got in our second box.
We weren’t the first to think that getting produce delivered to your door during a pandemic was a good idea, so we got wait listed. I believe we signed up at the beginning of April, but didn’t receive our first box until about 3 weeks later. We went with “The Madness” box, which is $35.00. There are 3.5 humans in our household, two adults, one not picky toddler who eats her vegetables, and a still nursing infant. You can customize how often the delivery occurs, for our family we went with every two weeks. In the interim, I went to the grocery store and the only things I bought in the produce aisle were grapes, bananas, and a bag of romaine because kale (pictured above) is best served with something else in a salad. As of this writing, we are almost out of everything pictured, but are expecting another box in a couple days.
Misfits whole shtick is to eliminate food waste, as many millions of pounds of produce goes to waste every year because there is 1. not enough to sell; 2. it’s ugly, misshapen, etc.; and 3. there is a surplus. Since we live in hell run by right wing maniacs, simply giving away excess produce to, say, those who need it or could use it6, some finance bro discovered a way to commodify the uncommodifiable! That is, selling unwanted but usable stuff to a generation that loves convenience, and what is more convenient than a credit card getting charged a monthly fee and stuff showing up to your door?
As with most things, Misfits has evolved since its founding in 2018, you can now include add-ons to your monthly subscription based on, what I presume to be, limited stock of certain things. It’s not just produce, either. On our second box, my wife added a whole mess of strawberries and blueberries and I wanted to try some kind of fancy green tea. There were some excellent chocolate nibs to. Pictured above is the variety of produce that came with our second box. Misfits prides itself on including some real avant-garde veggies and fruit to every box, for example, in our first box there were some golden beets7, and in this second box you can see some broccolini pictured. How often do you go out of the way to get broccolini at the grocery store? The randomness can be a blessing or a curse.
We have been discovering new and creative ways to cook though, so that is definitely one positive. We are also able to throw together stuff that we would once plan for, or make one of those aforementioned mid-week trips to get a missing ingredient. For example, our first box came with some great looking cooking onions and some parsley (all organic) and in the second box we got the redskin potatoes you see pictured; all of which my wife made into her late grandmother’s patented German Potato Salad. It is kind of conceited and very first world of me to say this, but Misfits has improved our consumption of produce and lessened our food waste in a huge way.8
- Convenient.
- Lots of variety.
- Organic.
- Very, surprisingly, fresh.
- Cost-saving.
- Not a lot of control over what you get.
- Unless you recycle, be prepared for the cardboard waste.
- Not good for picky eaters or those with sensitivities/allergies.
Butcher Box
Butcher Box follows a similar business model, however, they aren’t selling low-quality cuts simply because there is a surplus or what have you. It is a bit more narrowly sourced and curated. Also, the price point is astronomically higher than Misfits. Obviously, meat that is organically and sustainably sourced, is always going to cost more. So, while Misfits is commodifying an inefficiency, Butcher Box is a more straightforward “buy from us because it is both convenient and high quality.”
After another month-long stint on a wait list, we finally received our first box last week. I am working with a small sample here, but the first box contained about 10 pounds of meat, and that included the “free” pound of bacon that came with it since it was our first box. Butcher Box gives you the option to build a box of varying size at a higher price point, which would work well for a large family that has an additional chest freezer, or you can get the smaller variety box of beef, chicken, and pork. You can also get a box of just chicken, just beef, or just pork. We opted for the “Classic Box” at $129.00.

God’s greatest gift to mankind.
At the times of this writing, we have only cooked the bacon, because there was some stuff left in the freezer that needed to be cooked and eaten first. So, to give you the full review on the bacon: it was really freakin’ good, man. My wife and I watched a few unboxing videos the night before the box was to be delivered and were impressed with the variety and were hoping to see that same variety the next day.
Our first box was kind of vanilla, we got mostly staples, some nice looking chicken breasts (6), thick pork loin chops (4)., and two packs of grass fed and finished ground beef. Free pound of bacon too. Very utilitarian. In the unboxing videos, people were pulling out beef tips, filet, salmon, whole chickens, etc. From Classic Box too! We chalked it up to a limited supply chain and a surge in subscribers. Looking forward to what we may get next month. Like Misfits, there are add-ons to your box which include stuff like breakfast sausage and more of that bacon. One thing to note, the shipping was free, and they put a chunk of dry ice in there to ensure stuff stays frozen, everything we received was rock solid frozen.
As far as comparison goes, I’d say it cost as much as we would spend on meat at the grocery store, however it is hard to say because we would generally plan stuff in advance based on what meals we planned on making in a given period in between shops. Plus the sourcing and quality of this meat is allegedly better. Like with Misifts, it does kind of box us in to “do what we have” insofar as making food, which is not such a bad thing, especially during these weird times.
- Sustainably sourced.
- Convenient.
- Customization.
- Pricey.
- Unless you recycle, be prepared for the cardboard waste.
- Not a lot of variety unless you customize.
- You probably won’t like it if you are a vegetarian.9
- Dear Wegmans, if you are reading this, It’s all false bravado; I would never actually leave you.
- Think Schwan’s.
- And by reading this you will be bombarded with ads on Facebook next.
- Again, I can’t plant a lemon tree in Pennsylvania, thus how would I survive without chicken piccata or Martinis?
- If you decide to try it, hit me up, we could both save some money.
- Lots of food deserts out here in the greatest country in the world, but there is no profit to be had in solving actual problems.
- one of which did not survive the journey in the FedEx truck.
- Having to wait in line to get into the grocery store is also a factor.
- Easily solved by simply not being a vegetarian.
My main experience of Blue Apron was by proxy. I didn’t get it but a friend of mine did (this is one of the younger Gen-Y, older Millennials). He didn’t really know how to cook when he got married and neither did his wife. They were both still somewhere around the “put the frozen lasagna in the oven” level cooking skills and would have preferred to stop someplace on the way home to figuring out the whole “using the burners” thing.
Well, they went from being newlyweds who were renting to… what’s the term for people who had been married for 4-5 years? Well, they got a house and a really nice kitchen. And he subscribed to Blue Apron in an effort to start saving money from eating out all the time.
I’ll be darned if he didn’t learn to cook. He got all of the ingredients neatly pre-measured out for him, he just had to learn to do stuff like light ingredient prep (he had to watch youtubes to figure out how to julienne peppers, for example) and mastered everything from making rice in a saucepan (something that I still have trouble with!) to making a roux.
He doesn’t get Blue Apron anymore. He doesn’t need to. But, during the time he got it? It got him over the hump.Report
I’ve been doing Imperfect Foods (after Burt Likko’s recommendation of it). I guess it’s similar to Misfits in that it centers around surplus or “cosmetically imperfect” produce. But they also sell meat. And two of the big things that frustrated me in this whole thing is….getting fresh food. And also supply chain issues. (And just dealing with fellow humans; I live in a place where a critical mass don’t seem to believe in masks or social distancing)
I have been quite happy with Imperfect. One week they forgot the chicken breasts I ordered and are supposed to charge-back for that (have not received the card statement yet so I’ll check when it did). But I find I can get better quality meat than locally, and get it for a competitive price, and NOT HAVE TO GO OUT AND SHOP FOR IT.
I’ve been getting “sliced beef” that was apparently destined for something like Blue Apron and was surplus, and it was very good indeed – did fajitas with one batch, did teriyaki with the most recent batch.
I’ve not done Blue Apron or the like because I already know how to cook and I prefer to decide “okay, what am I going to make using this central ingredient” (and maybe change my mind before I start the cooking process) and also I have some slightly bizarre food intolerances (and one or two outright allergies) and so any kind of squash is off the menu, as are carrots, celery, peanuts, and a few other things. With Imperfect Foods I can tell them “no never send this thing” and I can also pick and choose from a suggested box…
It’s been good, though. I was actually surprised Imperfect delivers in my area; many of the delivery services act like we’re the far side of the moon. (They come via FedEx here, which has also taught me: don’t get berries through them because you wind up with a punnett full of squish after it’s been through the Fed Ex mill). But for hardier veggies and fruit and for the meat and cheese, it’s fantastic. (They also have a few “staple goods” – I refreshed my pre-packaged pasta supply from them)Report
In my part of the country, Imperfect is a bit more robust than this experience. I can get milk and eggs through Imperfect, in addition to a variety of packaged meats. Berries show up in good condition here; that is likely because they are more or less local to the PNW and Northern California.
On occasion, Imperfect is, well, imperfect. I got four containers of short-coded (that is, nearing the stamped expiration date) turmeric chicken broth one week that I did not order; I’m going to have to figure out something to do with all of it. A soup of some sort, I should imagine, or maybe a risotto. Such experiences have proven rare, though.
But the big thing to recommend it is the high degree of control over what’s in the box. You can’t pick what isn’t available, of course, but you’re in control of what comes should you choose to be. And even if I don’t order enough that they waive the delivery cost, it still works out to less than what I’d pay at the Safeway down the street from my home.Report
How is the milk imperfect?Report
My stuff apparently sources out of Houston or near it; it’s about a day and a half jaunt via FedEx, so maybe that’s why they don’t offer eggs in my area. But the meat is quite good and the produce is better than acceptable. And cheese! And the funky chocolate covered raisins. (Funky because some have double the coating and others have none at all and there are weird hybrids where a coated raisin has an uncoated one stuck to it)
It’s just still kind of a wonder to me to be able to get something more than boxed mac and cheese or Pop Tarts delivered to my door, even if I can’t get milk and eggs through them and have to avoid any fruit more delicate than purple grapes.Report
The Millennials quip about the changing nature of food procurement (having items delivered versus going out and shopping) brings to mind the old adage that what your parents did was old fashioned and in need of changing, what we did is tradition which must be preserved and what our kids do is dangerous experimentation that must be suppressed.
I grew up in late 60s and early 70, and still have fuzzy memories of the Helms bakery truck delivering bread, or seeing tv shows where the milkman was a staple character. I also have memories of the small family run market down the road, which eventually fell to the massive supermarket chains as the area developed.
My generation is living out that adage, in that a lot of us just assume that the way we lived is just somehow the default order of the universe. But in fact, our life was itself a strange oddity to the people who came before.Report
I can’t believe that my grandparents had a milkman!
Oh, I hope that’s my Blue Apron!Report
I spent a futile 20 minutes or so doing a websearch (heh) to see if there was any way to get milk delivered where I live – up where my mom lives, Oberweis Dairy still delivers, but there’s nothing here. I would pay quite a premium, in fact, for milk delivery through this, but that’s the one fresh thing I use regularly that can’t be gotten through an Imperfect Foods box. So that’s what I still have to go out for.
I also think in the 1920s and into the 30s (and maybe even later), the well-off could get grocery delivery, at least in cities/towns. That’s coming back some places, it’s just now a few megachains doing it (and not everywhere; it’s not a thing with the local wal-mart).
I admit, I wonder – as a very-alone person, how I’d work it if I got COVID exposed and had to strictly stay home for 14 days or more. I have enough canned goods, I guess, but I’d miss fresh fruit and milk.Report
I’m an Xer, we still had a milkman when I was little; it was a few years after before we finally got rid of the milk box. Now I can get milk delivered again.
Regular grocery delivery used to be quite common…many Victorian era homes have delivery doors, even. Produce, dairy, ice, and eggs are things that were commonly sent over. I think this went on until cars became ubiquitous.Report
We use another service from Passanante. You sign up for 6 months of meat (frozen) and vegies. Part of what comes is a freezer to hold it. All vacuum sealed. We have loved it. I was not sure about the freezer, but have loved it.
Very nice cuts of meat and has dropped our food bill quite a bit.
Of course you have to figure out what you think you will want for 6 months and that can be a challenge, but after the first couple of orders, you get a much better feel.Report
We have discovered that a lot of places that used to sell to restaurants are now opening up to the public because of COVID. Before the Pandemic we would mainly shop at the farmer’s market and Whole Foods. Now we are using a company called Cream Co for meats. The meat is much better quality than even Whole Foods but as you note, the problem is you get what you get. A butcher box contains a two steaks, a package of sausages, salami, ground beef, ground pork, a four pound chicken, and pork chops. They do not do a la carte but are starting to experiment with other stuff.
There is a company called four star seafoods which allows a la carte but is more expensive and for treats.
For veggies and fruit, we still do the farmer’s market. Whole Foods is for staples like milk, coffee, oatmeal, olive oil, etc.Report
One of my favorite places to shop in San Francisco, or any market anywhere for that matter, is Bi-Rite, which is walking distance from a friends where I stayed the last time I was there. Picking out a dinner to cook there for several days in a row was a joy.Report
I love Bi-Rite but It is super expensive. They do have interesting things thoughReport
I’ve heard criticisms of Misfit Foods stating that they aren’t actually taking from a waste pile, but rather are siphoning off foods that tend to go to lower income areas where folks may be less picky about their produce. So rather than poor people being able to buy this stuff for cheap because the wealthy people won’t, now the wealthy people are buying it for more money and there is less available. I’m not sure if that checks out but the criticism I saw was pretty robust.
I’ve done a few of the boxes… Hello Fresh, Blue Apron, one other… generally through gifts. I found they had different flavor profiles and menu styles, with some more to my liking than others. If memory serves, Hello Fresh was my preference but I can’t remember. But that was purely personal. I do have issues with the amount of waste produced. Every thing came individually wrapped, usually in plastic of some kind and much of it non-recyclable.
As Saul mentioned, some of the local restaurant supply houses are now offering their services direct to consumers. The ones I’ve seen tend to be very high end and expensive, probably with quality to match, but nothing I can justify spending. But I live in a wealthier area and folks seem to be loving it.
I’ve also seen at least one restaurant (which tends to do more business lunch catering than anything else) transitioning to a grocery service. Basically, they are acting as a middle man between their vendors and customers, offering high quality and fresh ingredients they’d otherwise use to prepare their dishes to customers at a very reasonable cost.
Living in or just outside major cities pretty much my whole life has meant access to grocery deliver for over a decade now. The options and structures have changed and the major issue now is reserving a spot. But I have had no concern about grocery shopping and continue to do so. The major issue is the Whole Foods in town tends to have a line, but it is relatively small and they’re sticking pretty hard to all the social distance guidelines. But there are many other options in walking or short driving distance. WF has improved their online ordering for curbside pickup.Report
Even that which is destined for ‘waste’ is not truly wasted. This is the stuff that usually goes to food banks, so yeah, I’d feel weird using them. A local grocery chain boxes up their aging produce and sells it ridiculously cheap, tho, and I do buy those. Figuring out what to do with nine avocados is fun sometimes.
Of course out here we have ample farm shares, and butchers all do ‘package deals’ where you can get a predetermined variety box, which is fun.Report