#ChecksChecksChecks is a Conservative – and Good – Idea

United States. Department of the Treasury [Public domain]
Recession Response Policy
Traditionally, two areas of policy-making are utilized to prevent or get out of a recession: fiscal policy and monetary policy. Fiscal stimuli are always an option, but there is often much time wasted on where to inject capital and how much, losing valuable opportunity to reinvigorate the economy (see: failures of the 2009 stimulus). Monetary policy has traditionally been effective as a means of incentivizing investment through lowering interest rates, but with interest rates being dropped to zero, and public debt at an all-time high, monetary tools are limited. This leads to a revert to our existing welfare programs being expanded as people lose jobs, income, and benefits.
Milton Friedman and Charles Murray: Progressives?
The status quo in a recession is essentially an expansion of these unemployment, health, and paid leave benefits due to necessity as people lose jobs and wages. These policies are often associated with progressive politics. Expanding these through the public sector is proposed in mostly left-leaning circles, so it is not wrong to say that these are progressive ideas. But in a recession crisis these are expanded as a result of inaction by the federal government, rather than decisiveness.
When looking for alternatives, many conservatives and state-capacity libertarians propose what Minnesota Vikings wide receiver Randy Moss so eloquently called “straight cash, homey”. Because these proposals are discussed alongside progressive hobby horses in recession contexts, many in our robust, nuanced discourse immediately conflate these proposals with progressivism, even though they have been supported as business cycle policies on the Right for decades.
These ideas are unique to crisis scenarios outside of natural business cycles, however, and that is what has distinguished them from progressive intentions to maintain them in times of plenty and further expand the welfare state generally. This fundamental misunderstanding has led many unfamiliar with conservative intellectual history to believe that Republicans are somehow outflanking their counterparts to the left. (Seriously. They. Are. Really. Convinced. I’m not sure how many genuinely don’t know or are just determined to malign mainstream Democrats.)
Milton Friedman’s Helicopter Money
In 1969, the father of modern free-market economics proposed a thought experiment: “Let us suppose now that one day a helicopter flies over this community and drops an additional $1,000 in bills from the sky, which is, of course, hastily collected by members of the community. Let us suppose further that everyone is convinced that this is a unique event which will never be repeated.” (Milton Friedman, “The Optimum Quantity of Money,”)
This came to be referred to colloquially as “helicopter money”, and is seen as a fiscal alternative to incentivize spending and growth when monetary tools are limited. If given a one-time (or at least limited-time) set of cash payments when inflation is well below targets, this could both fire up economic growth and avoid decreasing the value of that growth.
This has been championed on the Right as an answer to deflation and recession for decades. It has been chided by progressives as regressive and insufficient. When Mitt Romney and Treasury Secretary Stephen Mnuchin propose it, however, it becomes conflated with traditional welfare policy that is expanded during recessions and associated with the political left. But the idea of “just write people checks” has a long intellectual history within conservatism.
Freedom Dividends
Of course, any time “$1,000 checks to every American” gets brought up in 2020, one name comes to mind: conservative intellectual Charles Murray. “Andrew Yang”? That sounds like the made-up name of a Silicon Valley tech bro who sells CBD vape technology.
I kid, of course. Yang’s rise to political stardom came through his proposal of so-called “Freedom Dividends”, a monthly payment to every American of $1,000. This is what is called a “universal basic income” (UBI), and Yang’s popularization of the idea recently has made the policy associated with the political left in the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Twenty. Yang and his supporters have been loudly claiming that a pandemic-caused recession is a perfect example of why a UBI is necessary. Even The Atlantic dared to ask “What if Andrew Yang Was Right?”
However, the idea of a UBI was originally made popular (though not invented) by Charles Murray, who laid out a basic income proposal in his 2006 book In Our Hands. Conservatives and libertarians have long been frustrated with the (alleged) paternalism and inefficiency of America’s current welfare system. The conservative solution is found in Murray’s writing: cut all forms of welfare spending, and give that money directly to American individuals and families. According to Murray, at 2011 levels of spending, the U.S. could provide $10k to every adult American as a form of welfare. Yang proposes a fundamentally different view, in which welfare programs are expanded significantly on top of providing a universal basic income.
But that is the key difference between a UBI and helicopter money: a UBI is a safety net, where a helicopter drop is an intentional stimulus. In the midst of recession, a UBI will do little to get the economy back in the black. It would provide a vital soft landing for those hurt by a shrinking economy, but that is fundamentally different from fiscal stimulus.
Recession Tripwires
If fiscal stimulus is slow or limited due to political fighting and general bureaucratic nonsense, and monetary options just don’t exist, how do we handle recessions? Claudia Sahm, Director of Macroeconomic Policy at the Washington Center for Equitable Growth has a fascinating idea: codified helicopter money.
In layman’s terms, the “Sahm Rule”, an early indicator of recessions, would be a tripwire for the unleashing of fiscal stimulus. Automatic checks of $500-$1000 would be sent as soon as a recession begins to appear, thus limiting the economic damage of a recession. Sahm states “[r]ecent research finds that broadly distributed, lump-sum payments to individuals directly boost spending and help stabilize demand, making these types of payments effective responses to recessions…The total amount of stimulus would offset about half of the slowdown in consumer spending, totaling about 0.7 percent of GDP.”
If the recession were to continue (like in a pandemic that shutters businesses), another round of checks would be sent. Obviously hindsight is 20/20, and nobody expects the Spanish influenza, but this kind of preventative measure could prepare us much better to handle future recessions and limit their damage to American families and workers, as well as the global economy. If this were what Republicans were proposing, there may be validity to the claim that they are moving left. But as of right now, they are not supporting Sahm, who also proposes expanding Medicaid, TANF, SNAP, and CHIP in a recession, and surely aren’t supporting a more expansive welfare state generally.
Photo by Lisa Brewster
Seen recently on Twitter: someone arguing vehemently against the idea of Helicopter Money and UBI, because it would “allow Republicans to cut SNAP, welfare, Medicaid, EITC…” Apparently UBI is a Republican Plot To Destroy Government Assistance.
and I’m like…that doesn’t seem like a secret, that seems like one of the things advocates tout, the idea that you replace the entire public-assistance bureaucracy with a simple Department Of Writing You A Check. You get rid of the idea of employment requirements, of targeted assistance, of “nudges”, of encouraging particular behaviors by providing funds that can only be used for those behaviors, and you get rid of the vast armies of government clerks making sure all the forms are properly filled-in.
and then I’m like…”oh, that’s why liberals don’t like it.”Report
Liberals think all the support progs would be cut and then UBI would go away. If we have permanent UBI then getting rid of most/all support programs could make sense. If there is temp helo money drop that is not a reason to get rid of the perm support since this will all end at some point. Temp is temp; emergency. Long term help is a different issue.Report
Or that the Universality of Universal Basic Income would work against the actual need;
Because needs vary widely*; there are some people for instance who need massive amounts of very expensive assistance, while others need none whatsoever;
So the check would almost certainly be set at the minimum (as in, “Basic”) level, leaving those with higher needs abandoned.
*For example, a $1,000 check would be a nice little treat to most of us; However, banks and airlines need a million times that level of welfare.Report
Depends whether we are talking temp help through this crisis or perm UBI. I don’t see consertives suddenly being in favor of UBI nor do we know how it would work on a large scale. How to structure it is still a big question.
I think temp help is good and is going to come and if C’s offer that as a reason to get rid of social welfare progs will be entirely in bad faith. Temp help should go to some businesses, not casinos, that is for sure.How to set up all the temp help is a good question though checks or little bags of money with dollar signs on the side like in cartoons would be a good start.Report
Maybe not as much as expected. The COVID-19 recession is largely a supply-side recession, not a demand side recession. https://cepr.net/quick-thought-on-the-targeting-of-a-stimulus/
“The reason is that, unlike in past recessions, it will not lead to much of boost in spending, and therefore have little impact on economic activity and employment. In past recessions, the reason most people did not spend is because they didn’t have money. If you gave them more money, they would likely spend most of it, creating demand in the economy, shoring up employment, and in that way having a second round spending effect from the workers who get or stay employed.
In this case, the main reason that spending is being cut back is because people are scared to spend. They don’t want to go out to restaurants, movies, or travel. Giving them $1,000 will not change this fact.
For people who are losing their jobs because they are in the most affected industries, the $1,000 will lead to a boost in spending, but it is likely to provide them little help if they lose their jobs. For someone earning $20 an hour (a bit more than the median wage), this is enough to replace 50 hours of pay. These workers will need considerably more money if they are to get through a period of six or nine months before the economy starts to get back to normal.”
So there are people that can use cash, mainly laid off service workers, but they need a lot more than $1000.00. For other people, means tested or not, they will just likely save the money and not spend it. Which might or might not be a good idea. We have not had a supply-side recession in a long time. I don’t know if we have ever had a pandemic recession.
New reports are that social distancing might need to keep up for up to a year to really get everything under control. I doubt people can do that.Report
The empty shelves I see in the stores suggest the opposite.Report
Huh? A huge amount of discretionary spending is going to go down. Not many new cars or tv or stuff being bought. People were panic buying food stuffs which isnt’ really saying they are fine with spending.Report
My expectation+intuition is that you are correct.
My intuition feels stronger than normal here.
Having said that, intuition is not observation, nor is it data, and those those shelves remain empty.Report
I just saw this NYT headline:
U.S. Virus Plan Anticipates 18-Month Pandemic and Widespread ShortagesReport
You’re saying it’s a supply-side recession, and you’re correct in part, but what you’re describing is a pure demand-side story.
The supply-side issue here is that people aren’t going to work. If people aren’t going to work to avoid spreading disease, then less work gets done, regardless of how much demand there is. This reduces aggregate supply, causing a recession.Report
Nobody ever expects the Spanish influenza!Report
Well done. Very well done.Report
Oh bravo.Report
Comment of the day. Well done.Report
This has been championed on the Right as an answer to deflation and recession for decades.
Like from 2017-2018, when they had complete control of the government?Report
I think what was championed by Milton Friedman in Chile was Helicopter Dissidents.Report
This has been championed on the Right as an answer to deflation and recession for decades.
I think it’s a good idea, but I’m a bit of a political junkie and Mitt Romney’s proposal over the weekend was literally the first time I’ve ever heard a conservative advocate this policy. I’m not saying Freidman didn’t also mention this back when he supported Pinochet’s vicious coup in Chile, but I always associate him with concepts like a negative income tax or more conventional UBI.Report
The only helicopter money I’ve ever seen a conservative champion is defense spending on Hueys and Apaches.Report
Or the shrink wrapped pallets we used to carpet bomb Iraq.Report
Id feel better about it if not for all the unnecessary tax cuts on the credit card. Its probably the right thing to do but when do we get to the part where we exercise some fiscal discipline?Report
I’m more concerned about responsibility than discipline. No corporate bailouts (only low or zero interest loans) for airlines, supermarket chains, small businesses or sectors like the hotel and golf course “inDUStries”.Report
Going into debt, when it’s literally cheaper to go into debt than to pay for spending, is probably the right time.
It’s not 1985 anymore – if anything, governments have underspent for the past ten years since the Great Recession, and it’s partly why we’re in the populist moment we are now, because of worries about deficits that even center-right economists are now throwing water on.Report
It isn’t running deficits in hard times/emergencies that bothers me. It’s running them in good times then diving even deeper when the down turns come. The idea that such an approach can go on forever strikes me as flawed, whatever economists of any particular political persuasion say.Report
Airlines are a good example. From what I understand, during the recent boom cycle they used profits on stock buy-backs, which probably makes good business sense in the short-term, but only because they believe they’ll get bailed out during a recession. #rainydaymoneyReport
The line of moral hazard has been crossed too many times in too many industries. It’s at the point where it doesn’t make sense for certain sectors to believe they wouldn’t be bailed out. And they act accordingly.
But this is why I think Jesse’s comment isn’t really responsive to the issue. While I think it’s more important to protect consumers and individual citizens than strategic businesses, high finance, etc., adding them to the gravy train doesn’t address the reasons we keep finding ourselves here over and over again. It also doesn’t account for the fact that eventually there will be consequences and the deeper we’re in the worse it will be.Report
That. That exactly.Report
Next time a Democrat is in the White House.Report
Elizabeth Warren is insisting the the emergency corona virus plan must include student debt forgiveness. It’s not like the public needed more reminding that she’s just not very bright, but she delivered anyway.
I could see her taking charge in some disaster situation where a bunch of passengers end up on an island, and in episode 1 Warren says “Wait! Before we help the injured, we must build a sauna!”
Kentucky’s new governor has been impressing people by making the right calls time and again, and treating this situation very seriously. He told the state legislature to pass an emergency bill and he doesn’t want to see one piece of politics in it.Report
I have some sympathy.
I look at this situation and I’m inclined to argue that a two-week quarantine/shelter-in-place is the perfect opportunity to legalize pot.Report
Making it universal results in it being far more expensive than it needs to be. I’m happy to get $1,000, but I don’t need it. Neither do any of the other people who still have jobs. Aid should be targeted to people and businesses which are negatively affected by pandemic control measures, not just indiscriminately handed out to everyone.Report
I saw this and I liked it.
Just to be clear: Is his suggestion that part of the bailout money be used to create a government-run ad campaign engaging in social engineering? (The downside risk and unintended consequences arguments from the libertarianish sure seem to be selectively applied these days…)Report
Send 50K to the Ad Council and see what they come up with. Get some celebrities on board. Have Leo DiCaprio brag about donating his check to a local food bank (and then allow him to declare that public service on his taxes).
Heck, ask Bernie to talk about donating his.Report
So, a government run social engineering program.
I mean, I just want to be clear about it…. 🙂Report
Also, still chuckling about the $50K number…Report
I’m looking at stuff like this and thinking it couldn’t have taken more than 5 people two weeks to make.
What’s the point of the social engineering? “People who have enough should help people who don’t have enough”?
I am 100% down with that.
The only problem is that if people don’t know that already, having Bernie Sanders tell them that won’t be useful.
It’s not like we can have ads showing a handful of crowd scenes from Tale of Two Cities/Les Miserables.Report
Jaybird, I’m just uhh … observing* … that you’re 100% down with government-run social engineering. So long as you agree with the goals, obviously. 🙂
*and noting!Report
Remember what you said earlier?
“The downside risk and unintended consequences arguments from the libertarianish sure seem to be selectively applied these days”
What are the unintended consequences of *NOT* doing this sort of thing?
To me, they include… erm… divorce or war.
So, please, for all our sakes’: ask Leo to get on board with telling people who don’t need the $1000 to donate it to a food bank.Report
Jaybird, I get it. You’re 100% on board with government run social engineering. You don’t have to keep apologizing for it. 🙂Report
It’s more that I prefer it to… well. What seems likely to happen in September.Report
has Jaybird…said that he’s not on board with government run social engineering?
you keep blasting this like you’re Mega Fucking Owning him but he hasn’t ever really said different things from the thing you say he’s saying now…?Report
We have used social engineering to get people to try to stop smoking, support the war, not have abortions, get an education, don’t do drugs, and so forth.
Mostly these efforts hit the radar as well intentioned, sometimes they are also useful, sometimes they’re worthless.
However it’s hard to see how they’re destructive, the amount of money spent is limited and these programs don’t live forever. I’m fine with the occassional gov nag, even if it’s on an issue where I disagree, as long as there’s no bite behind that bark.Report
There was an interview the other day with a guy talking about a social nudge program that worked, and the host asked him about programs that failed spectacularly, and why.
The guy had a list. It was impressive.Report
“However it’s hard to see how they’re destructive, the amount of money spent is limited and these programs don’t live forever.”
I disagree entirely. There’s few things in this world as enduring as a “temporary” government program, ANY money spent on this is private funds taken from private citizens that needs to actually be justified by effectiveness, and for “Destructive” moral nagging by the government has a bad tendency of displacing more effective social pressures and polarizing the issue (i.e. look at how many Democrats suddenly flip-flop on policies they supported right up until Trump supports that policy.) If you really want to encourage people to do x, don’t saddle x with widely unpopular spokesmen (like politicians or actors).Report
I don’t think libertarians are especially upset at the idea of a government-run ad campaign engaging in social engineering, actually. I think they’d be upset at the idea of the government saying “our government-run ad campaign engaging in social engineering didn’t produce the desired result so let’s make some regulations.”Report
I don’t think this is a particularly good idea because a) very few people will do it, and b) it doesn’t do anything to reduce the total cost, but I can’t see how the government running a PSA campaign telling people to donate money to the down-and-out can do much harm.Report
The simplest thing is to pull it back in income tax. That also covers the case of people who did well last year but whose business the quarantine will hurt badly.Report
All my life I’ve been hearing that Democrats are those fools who want to give out free money because it’s the only way they can get elected! Now, the economy is melting down and the President is a complete flop and so we *need* to give free people money! It’s the conservative thing to do!
And, uh, besides, Democrats are those fools who want to suspend student loan payments! It’s the only way they can get elected!Report