Impeachment Hearings Resume to Set Rules for Wednesday’s Vote
Impeachment proceedings resume this morning, this time the House Rules Committee will take up the procedural questions involved before the vote by the full House of Representatives on the two Articles of Impeachment. CBSN has this blurb and the live stream once the festivities get underway:

Creator: Trikosko, Marion S., photographer; Related Name: O'Halloran, Thomas J. , photographer [Public domain]
The House Rules Committee will meet Tuesday morning to set the length and terms of debate on the House floor over two articles of impeachment against President Trump, setting up a historic vote later in the week.
The Rules Committee will meet at 11 a.m. to determine whether there will be any votes in the full House on amendments to the articles, and how many hours of debate there will be. The debate in the meeting will likely revolve mostly around the procedure of the impeachment process, with some rehashing of arguments from Democrats and Republicans about the president’s conduct and the whether it rises to the level of an impeachable offense.
The House is expected to vote to impeach the president on Wednesday, in what would be just the third impeachment of a president in U.S. history.
I have a bad feeling about the coming Senate handoff.Report
Sadly I do too, unless the House follows John Dean’s advice and drags out the timeline to force concessions regarding how the trail will be handled. Its the only card they really have to play . . .Report
If Kamala Harris gets to interrogate Trump under oath he is certain to go full Captain Queeg.Report
Zero chance of that drama happening. Report
Can we at least get Lindsey Graham freestyling conspiracy theories with Rudy Guliani?Report
He already isReport
Rudes latest stuff is so crazypants even fox doesn’t seem to be airing it. Something about Biden had a Ukrainian pol poisoned twice but he came back or some such. I think i made it sound more coherent.Report
Please please please. From your fingers and this post to the universe’s ears. He is already melting down.Report
If she walks into the Senate floor with a rolled up Forbes magazine in her hand, I’m gonna lose it.Report
I don’t know, she’d probably suck at that job too.Report
Seconding. Let Senator Harris do what she does best.Report
For 20 minutes yesterday, there seemed to have been a small window where the House could have dropped impeachment and declared “the Senate has already declared how they’re going to vote, this is a farce, let’s get back to talking about the election”.
At the same time, there was a Congressman from New Jersey (Jeff Van Drew) who switched parties. As indicators go, this one is rare enough that we’re not sure what it indicates.
Dropping impeachment struck me (and strikes me) as a pretty good play (even as it’s not exactly what I wanted). It doesn’t give Trump an opportunity to declare victory and explain that he was exonerated by the Senate and it lets us get back to talking about important stuff like cadets playing the circle game and whether we should mandate that census forms use the term “LatinX”.
As it is… looks like we’re moving forward.
Full speed ahead.Report
The Senate will vote to dismiss as soon as the opening statements are doneReport
1. So far the House Democrats in Republican friendly districts are largely stating that they are going to impeach. So dozens of defectors might end up being one or two.
2. Trump’s six page letter is a good sign that he is well on the way to losing it even more.Report
This also happened:
Take it away, Fred Clark:
“White evangelicals are not anti-abortion voters reluctantly supporting Trump in the hopes of getting an anti-abortion majority in the federal judiciary. They are Trump supporters — fearful, spiteful, white/Christian nationalists still giddy over finally achieving an anti-Voting-Rights-Act majority on the Supreme Court and hoping to solidify that for generations to come.Report
I can’t beat that analysis.Report
Saul. Seriously. Bookmark this page.Report