Ordinary World

Ordinary World for 12Mar19
As always, all linked stories are for discussion and consideration, not to be seen as endorsements of author’s view by Ordinary Times
[OW1] Nancy Pelosi Doubles Down: Trump Impeachment Would ‘Divide The Country’ By Sanjana Karanth: “The Post interview is not the first time Pelosi has spoken against impeachment, though it was arguably one of her stronger takes on the issue. The longtime Democrat has managed to be very careful approaching the impeachment conversation in the past, usually either deflecting questions or saying she’ll make her mind up when there is enough evidence to impeach Trump. In February 2017, Pelosi said Trump’s behavior is “strategically incoherent” but “not grounds for impeachment.” “When and if he breaks the law, that is grounds for when something like that would come up,” she said at a press conference about Trump’s efforts to undermine financial regulations.”
[OW2] I’m far from a Donald Trump fan — but don’t call me an ‘enabler’ when I recognise what he’s done right by Jay Caruso: “Trump is not the first bad person to occupy the oval office, and he won’t be the last. Are people willing to trade in any of the accomplishments of Woodrow Wilson and Richard Nixon because they were morally reprehensible and disrupted so many of the “norms” we associate with the presidency? Of course not. That is why there is room within a Trump presidency to judge something he does from time to time independently. To do so does not turn critics into supporters — and doesn’t mean that the people doing the judging should stand accused of compromising their principles.”
[OW3] The 2020 Democrats’ Reparations Debate May Tear the Field Apart By Ryan Lizza: “How reparations—the idea that African Americans should be compensated monetarily for the destructive legacy of enslavement and Jim Crow—suddenly became a hot issue for Democrats and how the major candidates have responded to it is instructive. It started when the New York Times’s Astead W. Herndon, one of the best reporters covering the presidential campaign, noticed an intriguing and overlooked comment from Harris during her recent appearance on The Breakfast Club podcast. According to the Times, Harris “agreed with a host’s suggestion that government reparations for black Americans were necessary to address the legacies of slavery and discrimination.” Herndon then approached Harris and the other candidates and asked whether they support reparations. The resulting article placed Harris and Warren unequivocally in the reparations camp.”
[OW4] Federal court moves to unseal documents in Jeffrey Epstein scandal By Julie K. Brown: “A federal court of appeals in New York on Monday took the first step in unsealing documents that could reveal evidence of an international sex trafficking operation allegedly run by multimillionaire Jeffrey Epstein and his former partner, British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell. The three-judge panel for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit gave the parties until March 19 to establish good cause as to why they should remain sealed and, failing to do so, the summary judgment and supporting documents will be made public. The court reserved a ruling on the balance of the documents in the civil case, including discovery materials.”
[OW5] Does Conservatism Need Religion? An inquiry into an increasingly pressing question by Avi Woolf: “Thin conservatism gives little attention to religion, except perhaps for opposition to government attacking it. Thin conservative arguments tend to be wonky and calculating, based in raw utilitarian and materialistic number-crunching. One can detest religion and still accept its arguments. But “thick” conservatism — with its emphasis on community, tradition, awe at the mystery of human life, and humility in the face of its incredible complexity — cannot be so neutral. For those who believe in this variant, it is not only religion but specifically “organized religion” that is an invaluable part of society, no matter the age. I realize this is an unpopular thing to say.”
[OW6] The Guy Trump Called ‘Fat Jerry’ Is Chairman Nadler Now by Michael Daly: ““Not exactly what most Americans would consider cost-effective use of government assistance,” McCain said. “I certainly have nothing against luxury apartments nor do I have anything against very successful project developers, including Mr. Trump. I do object, however, to asking the taxpayer to bear the risk of a development for one of the wealthiest entrepreneurs in the country, to help finance a project that will predominantly benefit upper-income Americans.” McCain noted, “Congressman Nadler, who represents the area in the House and who is a member on the other side of the aisle, does not consider the area around the development site to be blighted and he opposes the project.” McCain went on, a principled conservative Republican expressing an opinion he shared with the ultra-liberal Nadler: “The Donald Trumps of the world can more than afford to bear the risk of their endeavors, and should not be indemnified with taxpayer dollars.”
[OW7] Justin Amash is the loneliest Republican in Congress By Haley Byrd: “Amash was the sole member of the caucus to vote against Trump’s use of emergency powers to seize funds for his long-desired wall along the southern border, even though the Freedom Caucus was known for lambasting President Barack Obama’s executive maneuvering to get around Congress. “In some sense you’ve delegitimized objections to the President,” Amash said of his peers. “You’ve built up such credibility for him that you just can’t challenge him anymore.”
[OW7] Amash is correct. Let me hypothesize now, though, that this is what both sides *want*. Both sides *want* a unitary state with an imperial president.
This isn’t a BSDI critique, that’s a critique of hypocrisy. There’s no hypocrisy here… this is what we want, this is where our politics are trending, and this is what we’ll have soon enough.Report
Both sides *want* a unitary state with an imperial president.
Interesting. (Hmmmmm…..) One counter to this view might be that the logic of collective action within a hyper-partisan two-party electoral system kindasorta entails this outcome, ie., that to achieve our political goals we will, outa institutional necessity, transfer power from the legislature to the executive. But that kicks the can down the road: do we (as a society) *want* a hyper-partisan etc system? I don’t know that we do, but we’re also individually incapable of changing that dynamic. So then we’re back to people, as you say, “wanting” a unitary state with an imperial presidency for rational reasons. Hmmm….Report
Dems, last week: Huge majorities agree with us on gun control, taxing the rich and climate change. Don’t be afraid of an assertive left flank!
Dems, this week: Let’s find something deeply unpopular and make it a litmus test for our nominees!
(And yes, it’s very unpopular outside certain work media and political circles).Report
Sorry didn’t mean to report this. Just a slip of the thumb. Please ignore moderators.
I think most reparations supporters know that it will be deeply unpopular. They still believe it is the right thing to do and are willing to pay the political price.Report
No doubt that they’re willing to pay a political price, but the important bit is who wants to pay. Reparations, like most of the unpopular culture war stuff that polls so much worse than the Dems’ economic program, is driven by rich urban whites. Their urgent concern is not with their own well-bieng since that’s generally OK under the GOP.
I try to avoid “oh, they’re just signaling” arguments, and in this case I think most white wokes do believe what they say. However, the role of the noble, principled loser is a lot less appealing if you have some real skin in the game.Report
“white wokes”
Wolks, that’s my new term. Just added to the dictionary.Report
“Warren is the first choice among economic liberals and the white working class, but ranks only 8th among self-identified wolks, a key demographic for her chances to win the primary.”Report
There are many, many African-Americans that are pushing for reparations. This is not just a bunch of white progressives fighting for it. Most of the advocates for reparations are African-American.Report
The price tag would turn the Green Deal deeply unpopular after it was better known, it should have already been considered a breathtaking over reach.Report
[OW1] If Mueller has the goods, Pelosi will of course impeach.
I don’t know if this means that Mueller doesn’t have the goods or whether Pelosi knows that for 2020 a President Trump is more valuable to Democrats than a President Pence. Or even *more* cynically whether an Impeached Trump (absent a Mueller smoking gun) is better for Republicans than sitting president Trump.
[edit: belay that last sentence, I got ahead of myself and forgot there’s no {removal from office} impeachment without Mueller smoking gun]Report
I am totally against a President Pence, who I find significantly more dangerous than Trump, and who would have a fairly easier time winning the election.
Hence, I believe, and fear, that smart Republicans would actually vote to impeach Trump as long as the fig leaf (or smoking gun) is big enough to cover them from the “5th Av. shooter” base.Report
An interesting question is how much smoke vs how much gun would be needed… but I think you are right that given just the right amount of smoke Trump would get dumped… which is partly why Pelosi won’t frivolously test fate.
I’ll say I don’t think there’s enough smoke yet, but in the immediate aftermath of Mueller – assuming a mushy “mistakes were made” type of report – that will be Pelosi’s test.Report
If Clinton had been removed from office, Gore would have easily won in 2000. Did Democratic senators vote to remove Clinton? No, because people would never do that. No matter what the double-rebound possible benefit, they don’t torch their party leader.Report
OW5 – I haven’t read the author’s previous work, but this looks like a good explanation of the divide between socons and libertarians. I don’t know why he created the terminology of “thick” versus “thin” conservatives. The last thing we need is more political labels, particularly in those (rare) cases where the current labels make sense.Report
Agreed. I’ve seen the modifiers thick and thin applied to stuff like support for first amendment stuff, but not overall ideologies.
Frankly, the word “conservative” is pretty useless anymore as any kind of meaningful descriptor that would give you a clue to their political beliefs.Report
Thick vs. thin libertarianism was a thing about ten years ago.Report
How were those terms defined?Report
Maybe, but religion has demonstrated it’s limitations to change the darkness of the human soul.
The Republic of Gilead wouldn’t be any improvement.Report
[OW1] We know a bunch of terrible things about Trump already, but his support among Republicans is rock-steady. Probably not one Republican Senator would vote to remove, and we’d need 20 of them to vote that way. So yeah, there’s no point to it, and it wouldn’t push things along any more than the already ongoing investigations.
I’m not sure, in this climate, what would turn that opinion around. I’m tempted to think nothing at all. He’s running a pay-for-play racket at Mar-A-Lago and maybe elsewhere. His campaign manager handed over campaign polling data to Russian agents. What was the quid-pro-quo? We’ll never know, because Manafort isn’t going to tell us.
But does this move public opinion? Not in the slightest. I recall reading a piece by the reporter who took down Rob Ford, and she said, basically, “you have to have video”. There will be no video forthcoming. Lots of evidence, but no video.
Therefore, no impeachment. I support this logic.Report
I don’t know about “no impeachment” (I have different reasons for thinking Dems are wrong to go 11-dimensional on this, one being that they’re just no good at it), but I do think that if Trump admitting – twice – that he fired Comey to end the Russia investigation doesn’t rise to the level of an impeachable offense in the public’s and Congress’s eyes, then nothing will.Report
For once you and I agree, though over here on the farther and getting farther left I happen to think it is a great reason to have impeached already.
Democrats have their usual two problems – first, the modern Democratic Party establishment is centerist on a good day and not classically liberal. Thus they are reticent to annoy the middle and center right (where many of their large donors sit). Second, they are unwilling to be nasty when nastiness is required. This is why Mitch McConnell’s often invoked “we won’t vote on this because I said so” is generally met with Chuck Schumer’s shoulder shrug. Which is also why I really wish some of the senators who have announced as Presidential candidates would stay in the senate (and why I want Beto to run for Senate again).Report
Judge Kavanaugh may disagree with you.
The alternative being… what? If we’re talking about Garland then I’m not sure what the alternative was, make it an issue? Didn’t they do that?Report
When did he say that he fired Comey *to end* the Russia investigation? Not because of the Russia investigation, but to end the Russia investigation?Report
“Trump never said the words “I fired James Comey to end the Russia investigation”. Gotcha!”Report
I’m not intending that as a gotcha. If you want to make the argument that Trump should be impeached for trying to end the Russia investigation, you’ve got to contend with the fact that he walked right past the giant “end the Russia investigation” lever and fired Comey, then walked past the lever again and did nothing for 22 months.Report
I don’t have to have to contend with any of that, Pinky, since my view is that firing Comey under Trump’s stated pretext was (and still is) an impeachable offense.Report
There is a big scandal brewing in college admissions to elite universities at this moment dealing with the sons and daughters of many famous female actors.Report
Check out the sidebar!Report