So the original plan was to devote this weekend to, among other things, swapping out the winter stuff for the summer stuff.
But it snowed this week. Twice.
In weird ways, too. Like you drive to work in the morning and you look around and you think “today looks like it’s going to be pretty sweet” and you go out for lunch and you look around and you think “today is absolutely gorgeous!” and you go out to drive home and you think “WHERE IN THE HECK DID THOSE CLOUDS COME FROM WHY DIDN’T I WEAR A WINTER COAT TODAY?!?” And then the same thing happens again the next day. Which is nuts.
So I will be wearing my winter coat tomorrow.
Probably be 60 degrees all dang day.
Anyhoo, the weekend is one of the fuller ones (again). In addition to the regular litany of chores and errands, there will be a Saturday Night Gaming Group Thing. Sunday will see us going over to Mom’s in the afternoon to sit on a couch with her after her visit out to Michigan. Ah, but Sunday morning itself?
Lent is *OVER*.
So we’re going out to the Classy Buffet at the Classy Hotel for their classy prime rib, classy waffle bar, and, most importantly, their classy, classy potato selection.
Oh, my goodness. I haven’t had carbs in oh-so-long. I cannot wait.
So… what’s on your docket?
(Image is “Play” by Clare Briggs. Used with permission of the Briggs estate.)
Passover dinner action at a friend’s house. Bringing the GF. The host called me an asked if the GF was cool with “post dinner intellectual conversation” on religion, rights, freedom, yadda. I found it funny and sweet in a way. She’s got the equiv of a Masters in American History and we had a conversation for an hour on the battle of Kurst, both from the Soviet and American side. Yeah, I think she can handle it. ^^
She’s gonna have more of a problem if I go on a tear…
Otherwise, I should clean the house and find a decent pair of compact binoculars for my upcoming trip. Any suggestions? Need a compact pair 7X50 range.Report
Sunday mass, and prepare for two presentations next week.
Somewhere in there, I’ve got to pull out the fishing reel and test the line. Might need to re-spool it.
Still too chill for the kayak in these waters.Report
Just finished the Good Friday lamb “sacrifice” … now we’ll brine him and get him ready for the spit for Easter.
This year we had a young married couple (friends of my daughter) who wanted to learn how to do their own lamb for Easter… so we showed them how as their wedding gift. Makes me feel old when the “babies” are now preparing their own family feasts.
We’re having somewhere between 30-40 folks for Easter this year. Besides our usual friends/family our two college aged kids have introduced a new wild-card factor of inviting their friends through the transitive property of hospitality.Report
Oh, and mom has said that she’s making brownies for our visit.
She asked whether I wanted nuts in the brownies, as if she hasn’t been my mom for 45+ years, and I asked her “please no”.
But seriously. Nuts in brownies is why I have trust issues.Report
Truth to Power, man.Report
Well tonight is the Seder. This weekend I will start doing more planning for my trip to Rome and Florence in May. Weather here for the past two days was nice but it looks like it will be a bit colder (but still niceish) during the weekend.Report
Ramblers in the Final Four! I’ll be at a friend’s house to watch my alma mater take on one of the better Big Ten sports factories.
And, yep @jaybird , absolutely no nuts in brownies, or anything else for that matter.Report
Smoking a brisket and two pork shoulders for Easter. I haven’t quite figured out if it will all fit in my smoker. Getting the house somewhat presentable before that.
No nuts in brownies. I recently used Alton Brown’s recipe for scratch brownies; they turned out really good.Report
Huh, seems like I’m going to be spending my weekend trying to figure out A) who Jason is, B) how to find his house and C) how to abscond with a smoker full of brisket and smoked pork shoulder.Report
It was good.Report
Mostly just church stuff. (We had Maundy Thursday/Tenebraes – which we do as a combined service – last night; Sunday of course is Easter). I do have a little grading to do tomorrow. My meal plans are salmon loaf, sweet potatoes, possibly some kind of cooked spinach dish (maybe just sauteed and served with vinegar), and I am baking a lemon cake.
I’m also trying to force myself back into a more-disciplined piano-practice schedule. Long and complicated story but my teacher only teaches during DST (she has a long commute home after her primary job – works here in town and will stop off at my place on Thursday afternoons to teach, but she doesn’t like the 1/2 hour drive home in the dark, and I don’t blame her.) So my lessons start up for the spring this coming week.Report
Oh My Gosh.
Pizza Is So Good.
Oh My Gosh.
Wine Is So Good.Report