Morning Ed: Wildlife {2018.01.18.Th}
{W1] Never trust a frozen iguana. Also, don’t pity the frozen gator.
{W2] Well, that’s one way to address bird poop.
{W3] Global warming: Bad for everyone else, but maybe good for beavers.
{W4] Hey Australia, one of your thingies escaped to Florida. Could you go back and retrieve it?
{W5] Sheep, evidently, have one up on me.
{W6] So it’s basically like a species that has been unhappily married a really long time so everybody is tuning each other out.
{W7] This photo is amazing.
{W8] Google Street View captures the crab invasion.
{W9] Important facts about manatee and octopuses.
Koalas fighting WWE style #Australia
— Cory Papineau (@Iam_Canadian) December 22, 2017
{W9] My ex used to call me “manatee” because I kinda looked like one–big, fat, cuddly, with a habit of farting. 🙂Report
Here’s the Koala video, other Canadians must have told Mr. Papineau he was being rude to post such a thing.
That’s a mating season display of dominance done right. (Or mating done wrong.)Report
Hey, I saw a legit pin in there! Where is the kangaroo ref to call it?
Also, obligatory.Report
Holy crap.
It’s legal to own a koala? Not that I’d want to, they sound kind of like monkeys, which I think of as The Pet From Hell And I Would Never Want One.Report
I for one welcome our new beaver gentrifiers and hope that they can our deindustrialized forests, prosperous places again.Report