This Cannot Be
Applicant: Ian Eira
PSCASA ID#: 00241163572
Session #: 36565
Letter #: 89855461786
TMDSAS ID#: 2255-55487-1223
Dear Presidential Committee:
Applicants to the Presidency of the United States are holistically presented within categories that are informed by the Nineteen Core Competencies as developed by the Consensus Statement on Presidential Attributes Sub-Committee on Selection Criteria Summit of 2048 (hereafter referred to as “the Summit”). The Summit does not endorse the abridged Eight Core Competencies developed by the Consensus Working Group on Presidential Attributes of 2054 in preparing this letter.
The Domains of this letter are selected to complement the Candidate’s Complete Profile, including TMDSAS, Cronbach alpha values, presentation, background, context, and interpretive perspective. Goals and Milestones progression will be presented in detail in the corresponding TMDSAS Complementary Assessment Profile (CAP). The additional Narratives contained in this document include those related to: (1) Candidate Introduction, an overview of the formative experiences leading to Presidential Application that have shaped the candidate’s Aspirations, Perspectives, Motivations, and Competencies; (2) Intellectual Accomplishments, which looks beyond traditional academic Accomplishments to describe nontraditional academic Accomplishments as they may or may not relate to Candidate background, context, interpretative scaffolding, Goals and Milestones progression; and (3) Competencies, which summarize the Candidate’s fitness for office of the President of the United States. This section analyzes the Candidate’s suitability for the office in context of the development of skills and attributes given the Knowledge acquired in terms of the Milestone-based Nineteen Selection Criteria.
Rating Scale: the Summit assesses Candidates in the Six Core Areas plus the One Additional Area: (1) academic Accomplishments; (2) Inquisitiveness; (3) Executively-relevant Experience; (4) Community and Public Service; (5) Essential Qualities of Leadership; (6) Ancillary Qualities of Leadership; and (7) Additional Experience. The Summit understands the importance of reliability in the assessment of Candidates over time, therefore the Summit has enlisted the historical cohort of Presidential nominees as a comparison group in ensuring inalienable standards of evaluation for present Candidates on a scale ranging from “minimal” to “exceptional”. Consider the percentages of historical Candidates dating from the Anti-Masonic convention of 1831 through the establishment of the first scientific Presidential Selection Committee in 2019 (n=878) receiving the highest level designation in each of the Six Core Areas plus the One Additional Area:
academic Accomplishment – 12%;
Inquisitiveness – 8%;
Executively-relevant Experience – 27%;
Community and Public Service – 14%;
Essential Qualities of Leadership – 7%;
Ancillary Qualities of Leadership – 16%;
Additional Experience – 22%.
The Presidential Candidate has waived the right to review the Summit Committee Letter and any attached recommendations contained herein. Presidential Committee members are obliged to treat all contents of this letter as confidential; nor shall the contents of this letter be revealed to an applicant at any time.
Candidate Profile: Ian Eira (hereafter “the Candidate”) grew up in the Connecticut suburb of Stamford. His lawyer father was partner in a medium-sized firm specializing primarily in real-estate and corporate law before retiring in 2051. The Candidate’s mother is an internal medicine physician still in practice with a particular interest in telomere screening and monitoring practices in the pre-geriatric population. The Candidate has two older sisters – the older of the two sisters is a corporate attorney practicing in New York City. The younger of the two sisters is a senior financial analyst practicing in Tokyo, Japan.
academic Accomplishment: The Candidate developed in an environment in which academic Accomplishment was exceptionally valued. Both of the Candidate’s parents have obtained doctorates and pursued additional advanced study. They expected no less of their children – all three have obtained doctorates. In addition to graduating at the top 10% of his class from Yale Law School, the Candidate has a doctorate in political science from Georgetown University, which makes him exceptionally well-qualified for our Nation’s highest Political Office. A detailed report, including transcripts from pre-K through post-doctoral programs, is attached to this letter. Final Assessment: Exceptional.
Inquisitiveness: Members of the Summit in conjunction with qualified psychological assessors have reviewed several thousand facebook posts and text messages in addition to tens of thousands of hours of video to scientifically determine the Candidate’s level of Inquisitiveness. A detailed report including timestamped minutes, documented paradigm shifts, and Life Realization Milestones is attached to this letter. Final Assessment: Very Good.
Executively-relevant Experience: The Candidate has extensive executively-relevant experience related to positions in the Justice Department and as Chairperson of the National Prison Board of Trustees. Mr. Eira’s immediate family members also have extensive Executively-relevant experience as managers and representative arbiters of several respective hedgefunds and real estate trusts. A detailed report including managed assets, degree of decision-making responsibility, multivariable analyses of decision-making Results, and efficiency analyses are attached to this letter. Final Assessment: Exceptional.
Community and Public Service: The Candidate has demonstrated sincere commitment to Community and Public Service in demonstrating his qualifications for Servant-in-Chief. Notably, the Candidate’s foundation has pledged to eradicate malaria from sub-Saharan Africa by 2070. The Candidate’s foundation has also won several awards from the National Nonprofit Board Board of Trustees Nonprofit Award Foundation. Details of the Candidate’s foundation activities and additional Community and Public Service contributions are attached to this letter. Final Assessment: Outstanding.
Essential Qualities of Leadership: The Summit recognizes the importance of subjective assessment of Candidates and the limitations of quantitative and objective assessment, as espoused by the abridged eight Core Competencies developed by the Consensus Working Group on Presidential Attributes of 2054. The Summit has thereby determined through multivariate analysis and in conjunction with qualified psychological assessors the relative statistical weights of the Eight Subjective Essential Qualities of Leadership as these are applied to the present Candidate. Details of scientific methodology and individual sub-scores are contained in the attachment to this letter. Final Assessment: Outstanding.
Ancillary Qualities of Leadership: The Summit recognizes the importance of subjective assessment of Candidates and the limitations of quantitative and objective assessment, as espoused by the abridged eight Core Competencies developed by the Consensus Working Group on Presidential Attributes of 2054. The Summit has thereby determined through multivariate analysis and in conjunction with qualified psychological assessors the relative statistical weights of the Nineteen Subjective Ancillary Qualities of Leadership as these are applied to the present Candidate. Details of scientific methodology and individual sub-scores are contained in the attachment to this letter. Final Assessment: Very Good.
Additional Experience: The Candidate’s Additional Experience is notable for Achievements in real estate investment, photography, and the engineering of dogs and horses. The Candidate is proficient in Chinese and lived abroad in New Shanghai for two years in his twenties. He is interested in cooking. More detailed description of these and other Additional Experiences is attached to this letter. Final Assessment: Very Good.
Overall Assessment: Relative weights of each Core area (not to be confused with Core Competencies) were determined by the Consensus Statement on Presidential Attributes Sub-Committee on Selection Criteria Summit of 2048 Sub-Committee on Weights and Measurements and are as follows:
academic Accomplishment – 22%;
Inquisitiveness – 16%;
Executively-relevant Experience – 28%;
Community and Public Service – 12%;
Essential Qualities of Leadership – 19%;
Ancillary Qualities of Leadership – 8%;
Additional Experience – 6%.
The overall assessment is not a weighted average but is generated in conjunction with these relative weights using a Bayesian model.
Overall Assessment of the Present Candidate: Mr. Eira is an Outstanding Candidate for the Presidency of the United States. The Summit Very Strongly Recommends (VSR) his election.
On behalf of the nineteen Core Competencies as developed by the Consensus Statement on Presidential Attributes Sub-Committee on Selection Criteria Summit of 2048, we respectfully submit this Letter of Evaluation to the Presidential Selection Committee Sub-Committee on Selection.
Image by DonkeyHotey
This seems like something that will be quantified perfectly until the measurements stop working.
Like the perfect candidate might be pieced together, long legal career, a great deal of time in management positions and adjacent to management positions (like, in addition to management positions, married to someone in a high management position), a great deal of experience with elected positions, a great deal of experience with appointed positions, and knows everybody who knows everybody and owes them all about half as many favors as they owe him or her.
And we wake up one day when this perfect candidate loses a presidential election to some wacky out-of-left field candidate that nobody even thinks about taking seriously because of a whole bunch of things that they didn’t know how to measure and since these technocrats didn’t know how to measure it, they figured it wasn’t relevant.
I mean, awesome dystopia, I just see something like this being a dystopia that blows up in the faces of the assessment team and gets outplayed *HARD* by team chaos.Report
I’m not quite sure how this is a dystopia? Is the premise that this committee is *in charge* of determining who is president, or who can run?
If so, obviously that’s a problem.
If not…well, that’s the media’s job. Turning it into some non-partisan committee would be an interesting idea, but utterly pointless as it would immediately be something the right wing media would attack and cause the people who *need* to be listening to it not to.
Is it the dumbass committee-speak the dystopia? I’d assume there would be a summary presented at some point.
Or is the dystopia that, in 2054 (Or later?), we will be talking about eradicating malaria by 2070? Come on, people we can do a lot better than that. We should be able to get it done by 2054 if we just, you know, fund the efforts.Report
“I’m not quite sure how this is a dystopia? Is the premise that this committee is *in charge* of determining who is president, or who can run?”
“If so, obviously that’s a problem.”
Why do you think so? I bet you there are many who would disagree.
“If not…well, that’s the media’s job. Turning it into some non-partisan committee would be an interesting idea, but utterly pointless as it would immediately be something the right wing media would attack and cause the people who *need* to be listening to it not to.”
Does that media do a better job influencing the Presidential election than a committee would? Is it good that the media has such an influential role in determining the leader of the free world?
“Is it the dumbass committee-speak the dystopia? I’d assume there would be a summary presented at some point.”
What do you think?
“Or is the dystopia that, in 2054 (Or later?), we will be talking about eradicating malaria by 2070? Come on, people we can do a lot better than that. We should be able to get it done by 2054 if we just, you know, fund the efforts.”
I was hoping there would be more discussion about this topic in particular.
Dystopias should be complex and multi-layered, and they should allow individual readers to have unique imagined experiences. We all experience reality differently. We all experience fiction differently.Report