Play all of the Nintendo!

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6 Responses

  1. Roland Dodds says:

    This is some undertaking! Good luck with all the crappy 8 bit games out there.

    I just built myself a small Retropie 3 this winter. It has been rather enjoyable to drop into a lot of these classic games, but I must say I have more of an affinity towards the 16 bit era.Report

  2. Brandon Berg says:

    My first thought was that the programmers for the US versions of 1942/3 just switched the graphics around to make the player an American and the enemies Japanese, and then rewrote the backstory in the manual, but I checked the Japanese Wikipedia entry, and it turns out you play an American in that version, too. I did some googling, and it turns out that a lot of Japanese people have the same question. I didn’t find a definitive answer, but one thing that someone pointed out is that while the player’s sprite is modeled after an actual American WWII plane, the enemy sprites don’t resemble Japanese planes used in World War II. I don’t know whether that’s true, and I’m not sure how much it would placate any Japanese person who took offense.

    Back in grade school, I saw some pictures of World Runner and thought the surreal checkerboard landscapes looked like the coolest thing ever. Years later, when I actually got to try the game, I was disappointed that it just wasn’t that much fun. Still, I wish there were more games that took this esthetic approach instead of just trying to look realistic.Report

  3. Will Truman says:

    1943 really has that old school arcade feel to it. If not for the graphics, it would just about work as an Atari game.

    World Runner is really cool visually, but not a whole lot of fun to play. (Also, I suck at it.)Report

  4. DavidTC says:

    I have a semi-functional Nintendo, and I thinking I’m going to pull it out and fix it up the rest of the way. Which will include buying new controllers, because both of them have cracked and exposed cabling. (Although maybe I can fix that with that shink-tubing stuff.)

    But I wouldn’t try to play games on it. At least, not one I didn’t physically own.

    The Powerpack thing is $135, which is literally more than the NES itself cost when it came out!

    There’s a good reason for that, apparently, the NES didn’t have memory management stuff built in, like computers do, so cartridges are not just ROMs like people think, they all have various processors on them. (Which seems like a *really* dumb way to design a system, cutting a small amount off the system price in return for making every game more expensive, but whatever.) So the Powerpack actually has to do a hell of a lot of work emulating *all* of those possible memory management things that were developed over the years. In fact, it can’t do it.

    This is also why NES emulators, and other emulators of cartridge systems, still are not perfectly, whereas once you hit CD and DVD based systems, they work perfectly (Well, until you hit the online stuff.)

    But, still, $135 dollars!

    I’ll probably fix my NES up just for fun, and then eventually buy a NES to USB cable so I can emulate things properly on my computer.Report

  5. Brandon Berg says:

    DavidTC: This is also why NES emulators, and other emulators of cartridge systems, still are not perfectly, whereas once you hit CD and DVD based systems, they work perfectly (Well, until you hit the online stuff.)

    What? Emulation of cartridge-based consoles is way ahead of emulation of CD-based consoles. AFAIK the only CD-based console that’s been more or less fully solved is the original PlayStation. PCSX2 and Dolphin still have significant compatibility issues. I don’t think there are any XBox emulators that come close. Last-gen consoles pretty much don’t work at all.

    It’s true that cartridge emulation poses unique challenges for the reasons you state, but the systems themselves were simpler, and people have been working on them for longer.Report

    • DavidTC in reply to Brandon Berg says:

      AFAIK the only CD-based console that’s been more or less fully solved is the original PlayStation.

      I was under the impression that PCSX2 worked extremely well. The internet certainly seems to think so.

      Dolphin is a bit weird in that it’s trying to do two systems, but I was also under the impression it worked well. Again, the internet seems to agree.

      I have not, however, ever tried either of those, so perhaps I am wrong.

      I don’t think there are any XBox emulators that come close.

      I honestly have never understood that. XBoxs do not even require ’emulation’, just virtualization.

      You also forgot Dreamcast, which has emulation.Report