An Open Letter to the Writer Who Wrote the Open Letter to the Female Hat-Wearing Dog from “Go Dog, Go”


One man. Two boys. Twelve kids.

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27 Responses

  1. Oscar Gordon says:

    probably French


  2. Damon says:

    The sad thing is, that with the internet, Raquel’s work gets “published’. I can’t take back the time I read it.

    My life is unbearably worse off for reading it and wasting precious seconds. I could have been trolling dating sites…..Report

  3. LeeEsq says:

    Some people really have too much time on their hands and over think things.Report

  4. InMD says:

    Well done. This was hilarious.Report

  5. Jaybird says:

    Do you know why there are so many woke 8 year olds out there?

    They were conceived when Barack Obama announced that he was running for president.Report

  6. DavidTC says:

    Also, why is everyone assuming the main character in the book, who keeps rejecting the red poodle, is *male*? Read those panels with the red poodle as male and the yellow hound (?) as female. They feel a bit different, don’t they?

    Also, in that skiing panel, they’re about to have a horrible accident because red poodle has skied on top of yellow hound’s skis.Report

    • DavidTC in reply to DavidTC says:

      Also, not quite sure why those two dogs somehow skied to the top of a steep hill to have a conversation. While I don’t know a lot about skiing, climbing an an incline that appears to be over 70 degree is really hard without skis, especially when covered in snow, and it’s probably much harder *with* skis. Why did that they do that? (I guess maybe it become level just off page, but even so, it’s silly.)

      And all this is going to result in a pretty nasty fall in a second.

      Why isn’t anyone else worried about this?!

      EDIT: I just realized the panel after that shows dogs partying in a tree, including, apparently, hovering. Perhaps this is a universe where the law of gravity does not apply, so there is not as much danger from this impending skiing accident as I thought.Report

  7. veronica d says:

    Honestly I don’t understand your objections. First, the word “misogyny” doesn’t appear in the article. Neither does “sexist.” The article is about body image, the need for approval, etc., particularly in a gendered context. In other words, this is an article by-and-for women. So if it didn’t “ring” with you, well how do you think I feel reading an article by-brodudes-for-brodudes?

    For example, I lift weights. So I end up reading articles on T-Nation. Many of them have — shall we say — a rather male-focused perspective. I deal with this, although I do wish they centered women more.

    Are you required to read the poodle as female? Well, I guess not. But it seems a plausible reading. I certainly do, based on the images I see. Likewise I read the other dog as male — which I guess reflects a certain “male as default” cultural program, not to mention a ton of heteronormativity. So fine. It is certainly useful to challenge this, but all the same, I suspect most readers will see these gendered cues the way I (and the author of the piece) did.

    Which is to say, I often project myself and my experience into the material I read. Since most books/movies/etc. have a male protagonist, this means I notice female characters in a way that many of you do not. In any case, if the author does not specify, then many readings are possible. Your reading will reflect you.

    “You don’t need a man, you don’t need male approval” remains an important message for many women. It is perhaps not such an important message for men. I don’t know. I really have no idea how to reach men on this topic. I realize that in an ideal world, all these rotten gendered power dynamics would not exist, but we do not live in an ideal world, so you get articles by-and-for-women about how to negotiate crappy dating sites and deadbeat men and shitty guys with sexist attitudes, all while trying to grasp as some bit of happiness. This article is such.

    It probably won’t do much to help you kid negotiate sexism. But that wasn’t the point.Report

    • Kazzy in reply to veronica d says:


      Both pieces are satire. This was meant to be a faux conversation, not a dressing down. There is nothing to dress down in the original letter unless you find her own satire a problem (which I don’t).Report

    • dragonfrog in reply to veronica d says:

      Yeah, I liked Raquel’s piece – and I share the exact same dislike for the hat-wearing approval-seeking poodle scenes.Report

  8. Joe Sal says:

    Kazzy, this was pretty good work. I mean I wouldn’t want to get within twenty miles of any of it, but it was pretty funny. Thanks for putting it together.Report