On Jessica Jones

Richard Hershberger

Richard Hershberger is a paralegal working in Maryland. When he isn't doing whatever it is that paralegals do, or taking his daughters to Girl Scouts, he is dedicated to the collection and analysis of useless and unremunerative information.

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11 Responses

  1. Burt Likko says:

    I was with you right up to the end. Jessica’s powers should be her own. If she got Kilgrave’s powers, she’d become Boring Superman by virtue of being too powerful for any credible challenge.

    What made Kilgrave work was how logical and understandable his evil was. Realizing those powers, at that point in life, with that background… The rest of the world may be glad he never took an interest in politics.

    What makes Jessica work is that she’s damaged goods and she knows it. Should she ever heal, I fear she’ll be less interesting. But I’m on tenterhooks to see what the writers cook up for her next.Report

    • Richard Hershberger in reply to Burt Likko says:

      But think of the opportunities for self loathing! This is very much within her skill set already. My scenario would put that on overdrive. The season arc could be her efforts to get rid of the mind control power, in tension with all those oh, so compelling reasons to use it.Report

  2. DavidTC says:

    But how is the virus spread? Presumably airborne, but wouldn’t that mean that someone standing upwind of him should be unaffected?

    Depends on the level of virus needed to do what it does.

    And his orders are invariably transmitted verbally. How would this work with a deaf person, or someone who doesn’t understand English? No one in the show seems to wonder about this, while it seems to me a pretty obvious dodge to try.

    ? Yes they do. They try wearing headphones with loud music so they can’t hear, which does work. It would be interesting how *long* it would work, though, if he motioned to take them off.

    The problem with Killgrave is not *how* to deal with him, it’s *what* to do with him. It is perfectly possible to contain him with a little bit of work on your part, if you *don’t* mind hostages dying. Then what do you do after you contain him?

    Now, there is one solution that JJ seemingly missed, that when she was living with Killgrave and they left the house, and Killgrave told his ’employees’ to kill themselves if they didn’t come back…the show ‘missed’ the obvious solution of JJ calling someone to send in a team of people to sedate them, which is what I was thinking she should do. OTOH, she *wasn’t* planning on killing him at that point, so hardly needed to do that, and taking his hostages would just have resulted in him taking others.Report

    • Glyph in reply to DavidTC says:

      One thing that’s interesting is that even though it’s not QUITE 1:1, another MCU TV Show does imprison a villain with similar powers. The Russian Doctor Ivchenko in Agent Carter can hypnotize people into doing his bidding; unlike Kilgrave, the mesmerism isn’t immediate, and it only appears to work via one-on-one interaction, whereas Kilgrave can control multiple people. But they still stick a ball-gag on that guy and throw him in prison. Report

  3. Tim M says:

    Meta-note: Can we just declare this whole discussion “spoilery”, and dispense with the blackout? The show has been out for a while, and the original post provides ample warning.Report

  4. Tim M says:


    Then there is the question of why Jessica doesn’t simply take him out with a high powered rifle midway through the season. She is given a motivation to reject this solution, but the motivation is sadly lacking, given even a weak sense of utilitarianism. In fairness, everyone around her agrees with me. So it isn’t that the writers haven’t thought of the problem. It is more that their workaround doesn’t seem really in character for Jessica.

    This is an interesting discussion. I thought it was in character for Jessica. Or rather, I understood something about Jessica’s character through those actions.

    She’s not rationally trying to help people, or crusading for any kind of principle. Even protecting people from Kilgrave is pretty far down her priority list. She’s trying to process her own trauma. She wants to protect herself, but then Hope becomes a proxy for Jessica herself.

    Jessica has this plan to free Hope – and it’s a ridiculous plan, even within the show’s world. But she can’t let it go because that would be losing control again, and leaving “herself” in the clutches of Kilgrave. So she pushes on beyond all reason.Report

  5. veronica d says:

    For me it was the “18 seconds” part — which look, that was the exact moment I said, “A woman wrote this.” So I Googled, and yep. That was such a predictable moment with the threat of stupid melodrama, of shallow romance. But nope. They got it right. He was exactly an abuser, exactly the monster. We see through him.


  6. KatherineMW says:

    I was highly impressed with this show (although I also agreed with the “sniper rifle” recommendation; I think Tim’s point as to why Jessica rejected it is correct). Characters, themes, all very well done.Report

  7. Alan Scott says:

    The show is centered on a Marvel character from the 1990s, which means I was unaware of this incarnation. Looking at the Wikipedia article, the comic book version seems to have been a fairly standard superhero, teaming up with other superheroes in the Marvelverse in fairly standard ways. The current television version is far more interesting.

    In this understanding, Wikipedia has served you poorly, as nearly all articles on comic-related superheroes are want to do. Remember, Wikipedia articles about superheroes are almost always written by thermians who are unable to recognize that fiction is fictional.

    Jones wasn’t a standard superhero from the 90s. She was instead created in media res in 2001 as a character who had spend some time superheroing in the 90s. In her own books, she was always Jessica Jones, Private Investigator–Though she mellowed out and got more emotionally settled after the original book ended.

    The really big difference is that the 21st century Marvel comics universe is a lot more developed that the MCU. Jessica Jones of the Comics actually did wear that goofy costume and fight crime for a year before Killgrave instead of doing it for one time. Instead of Killgrave making her attack Reva Conners, he made her punch Thor. Her best friend is a celebrity with a costumed identity instead of a celebrity with a radio persona.

    Her ordeal in the comic books was traumatizing, but it was never isolating in the same way that we see in the TV show. On netflix, the weirdness of her experiences stands out, but the comics have too much weirdness for that. The real innovation that the show made was in the character of Killgrave. While JJ in the comics and JJ on the small screen have clear and close links, Killgrave in the comics is just a horrible and evil supervillain. The show, though, turned him into a metaphor, and the interaction between Jessica and that metaphor is what made the show sing.Report

    • Wikipedia has served you poorly

      This is unsurprising. The Wikipedia entries on baseball history are absolutely appalling. (And no, I am not going to go singlehandedly fix them. The problem is systemic.)

      The next question is whether I would be well served to go track down the relevant JJ comics? This is assuming they are available in reprint editions.Report

      • Alan Scott in reply to Richard Hershberger says:

        They’re pretty standard gritty Bendis. If you read and liked his Daredevil run or Powers, then you’d probably like Alias and Pulse. They’re good books, but they lack that “18 seconds” perspective that Veronica talks about above that just made the show sing.

        Also Whereas the show is all Killgrave all the time from episode 1 to episode 13, the comics are the characters and their interpersonal drama and noir tone, but with mostly forgettable plots as far as her actual PI cases.Report