Daily Archive: February 21, 2013

Could Is Not Should

The rules of the game — you may pick one “could” and one “should” in italics below. First, read this recent op-ed from Jon Huntsman in The American Conservative. A few money quotes: The...

Abolition wasn’t an Anachronism.

The state of slavery is of such a nature that it is incapable of being introduced on any reasons, moral or political, but only by positive law, which preserves its force long after the...

Meanwhile, in my day job…

Lots of things conspire against me writing as much as I’d like around here, and one of them is my job. So I’m pleased to announce that I can at least sort of combine...

How Much Regulation Is Too Little?

Two men comfort a third (center), who just indentified the body of his son, Wallace Manko. His son had been a passenger on the fishing vessel ‘Pelican,’ which capsized the day before. Montauk, New York,...