Farrah Fawcett and Grilled Spaghetti Sauce
Given the choice between abandoning an imprinted notion of sexuality and this grilled spaghetti sauce, I chose the sauce.
Given the choice between abandoning an imprinted notion of sexuality and this grilled spaghetti sauce, I chose the sauce.
The Democrats have problems of their own that the party must deal with and that voters will have to consider.
When folks use a famous funeral or celebrity death such as Rosalynn Carter’s to tell the world what they really think, believe them.
If Republicans want to talk about messing with Obamacare, they would be well advised to construct a plan that at least sounds palatable
I just wanted a movie worth watching…But like Napoleon’s lust for conquest, glory, and Josephine, we can’t always get what we want.
Piss Off Early, Tomorrow’s Saturday” doesn’t really resonate when so many have a long Thanksgiving weekend anyway.
I looked at how the race for the 2024 Oscars ceremony was shaping up
My most eventful Thanksgiving by far happened two years ago, when what was supposed to be our Christmas-time baby showed up Thanksgiving Day instead.
I take advantage of the Thanksgiving Holiday to give out my awards for 2023 Turkeys of the Year and Golden Drumsticks.
We may find that if we consider how much we have to be thankful for, partisan politics will take on diminished importance. That will be a very good thing.
A film that vividly depicts the great battles of the Napoleonic Wars, while showing the “great man” at their center as a big baby. I call it “emo Napo”.
Circus management, kinda. Darkest Dungeon, kinda. Circus Electrique, it’s pretty good.
I think that there is a direct parallel between the softening of support for Ukraine on the right and for Israel on the left.
Frustration with the connection between birth and death is a theme that shows itself frequently while reading Dylan Thomas.
The use of Groundhog Day in the CR is appropriate since shutdown crises are common, particularly when Republicans control the House of Representatives
The term ‘settler colonialism’ has been widely bandied about, but what does this term actually mean, and does it apply to Israeli-Hamas conflict?
Texas A&M loved Jimbo Fisher to the tune of $95.6m dollars, and within two years loathed him so much they’ll give him $77.5m to just go away.
None of this going to be solved by Pro-Palestine demonstrators tearing down American flags and assaulting American bystanders.
“Why tear down the Kidnapped posters?”, they ask. The posters are political propaganda and should be treated as such.
Incompetent MAGA Republicans have taken winnable races at all levels and snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.