POETS Day! Stephen Crane
An adventuring war correspondent with a predilection for ladies of the night and a life-long love of dogs is endearing in our anti-hero age.
An adventuring war correspondent with a predilection for ladies of the night and a life-long love of dogs is endearing in our anti-hero age.
One of Donald Trump’s signature new policies is a good representation of what I expect from his new administration.
As we ramp up to the second Trump Presidency, corporations are lining up to throw money at the incoming President.
When it comes to the AI debate, we’re stuck with either moving the goalposts or admitting that, yeah, they’ve been met.
A little bit of horror, a little bit of wordle, a little bit of typing. Cryptmaster is an all-around amazing game.
I tried to give the new poem an unbiased look, but was bothered in the first sentence. “Iridescence” doesn’t act. It’s an effect.
The problem with nagging people all the time in an effort to better them is that eventually they tune you out completely.
Jake Wagner’s sentencing was expected to be a formality…For the Rhoden, Manley, and Gilley families, it ended up being anything but…
Not letting the deluge of news overwhelm and demoralize you is a challenge of this age–but not an insurmountable one.
It is imperative that we balance compassion with realism and public safety. We must talk about crime, addiction, illness and everything else.
It’s true that he didn’t enjoy writing much of what he produced, but the needs of his growing family required it of him.
I had such a good time putting together the recent recap of 2020s World Series, I decided to travel backwards in time to the 1930s.
A little bit of honky tonk puts a cigarette back in the hand of the song and the song benefits.
Postponing the Sugar Bowl for 24 hours is more than reasonable. That doesn’t make anyone “soft”, it makes them prudent
I really liked the show and I think that you will probably find stuff to like in it too (I mean, if you liked The Good Place).
Can we do Jimmy Carter’s legacy and character justice, out in public where everyone can hear? This may be a harder question than it seems at first glance.
I watched over 250 films this year, so if one of your favorites didn’t make the cut, don’t take it personally.
The fast-paced awards season continues with yet another dramatic week of progress as the Academy revealed shortlists for several categories.
It is not known how “A Visit from St. Nicholas” came to be published in The Troy Sentinel in December of 1823.
It would be much better to allow SDF elements committed to reconciliation to be the one to disarm the PKK.