The Media, or Try Consuming News Like A Grown Adult
The lazy caterwauling about “The Media” rings hollow because we as a people have never had more options as media consumers.
The lazy caterwauling about “The Media” rings hollow because we as a people have never had more options as media consumers.
On Friday, Zazzy and I were at the mall dress shopping for an upcoming wedding. While she tried on a bevy of brightly colored gowns, I retreated to a corner to feed Mayo. There, they...
Here is a fascinating ombudsmans article from Washington Post ombudsman Patrick Pexton, who responds to concerned letters and emails from readers who contend that the Post is pro-gay. I’m shelving this over in Off...
This Nation piece is a ludicrous exercise in silly partisanship. Mark Ames and Yasha Levine go to great length to show just how all this crazy outrage over TSA agents groping people – including...
Epistemic Closure Revisited Eons ago in blog-years, Julian Sanchez provoked some indignant responses by suggesting that conservatives are too dependent on a closed, self-referential media ecosystem. Sanchez’s original post elicited a sharp reply from...
A reader writes, in response to this post by Barrett: … you might want to mention my experience about how the liberal media and publishing bubble actually helps empower the Breitbarts of the world....
[UPDATED BELOW THE FOLD] The Big Story yesterday and, to a lesser extent, today was the arrest of two legal Yemeni immigrants on suspicion of plotting a terrorist attack. The pair, one of whom...
Via Kevin Drum it looks like nobody stuck watching CNN will have to suffer through any more of Lou Dobbs’ nonsense! CNN still employs Nancy Grace, however, so not all is true and good...
Here’s an original idea: take California’s liberal, high-tax model and contrast it with Texas’s low-tax approach. Aside from The Economist, Newt Gingrich, and The New York Times’ op-ed page, no one else has thought...
“I told you about these people. They only mate with their own kind. It’s yuppie inbreeding. That’s why they’re retarded and wear the same clothes. They don’t feel love. They only negotiate love moments. ...
Kyle asks: What motivates the Limbaughs and the Hannities and the Malkins to take up the standard of hyper-partisan contrarian now? Surely one would say to provide a voice of balance against the rampant...