The Cleveland Texas Mass Murders
The news of a mass murder in Cleveland, Texas, was particularly jarring to me because I lived in Cleveland, Texas.
The news of a mass murder in Cleveland, Texas, was particularly jarring to me because I lived in Cleveland, Texas.
Regardless of your beliefs on abortion or the legitimacy of Roe, you should oppose and be worried by what we’re seeing in Texas
Republicans and editorial boards have taken to blaming alternative energy for the Texas power outages. Is this accurate? Not Really.
So much legal news going on than even Wednesday Writs can handle, so here are links to the stories from across the legal interwebs
While you were sleeping, Texas Gov. Abbott’s controversial order to limit mail-in ballot drop off locations has been upheld in a late night ruling
Bad things coming for American education, the mask slips on mask wearing, and the ending of that Frederick Douglass speech everyone was sharing this weekend.
Not exactly the Battle of Gonzalez…If you get into a “your selfish, no your selfish” argument with a judge, the judge is going to win.
The governors of Texas, Georgia, Tennessee, and South Carolina are rolling out plans to “re-open” their states from the quarantines and stay-in-place restrictions stemming from the Coronavirus pandemic.
Linky Friday tries to steer you straight to end a week full of beginnings, endings, and everything in the middle. Or is it starting the weekend? Either way.