Tagged: technology


Tech Tuesday

This is why I love science. As much as I love the new tech, and interesting designs, and fun bits of analysis, in the end, it’s the potential of that bleeding edge to upend everything we think we know.


Is Online Education Living Up To Its Potential?

Online learning is going to be an ever-growing aspect of education in the future, particularly at the tertiary level. It is imperative that online courses become more effectively designed and accessible in order to maximise the benefits for students.


Tech Tuesday – 12/18/18

On a personal note, we spent the weekend in Flagstaff, and Bug got to see Mars through a 16″ telescope, and he got to see the Orion Nebula through the Clark Telescope, which showed him 8 baby stars and the glowing green gas of the nebula. Totally worth staying up late and standing in line in the cold.

tech tuesday

Tech Tuesday for 12/4

Oscar Gordon brings this weeks Tech Tuesday with stories about Mars still being far from a routine trip, ISS is almost old enough to drink, the pinwheel of death, fun with hydrogen, cancer killing viruses, the fossil record, and more.


Tech Tuesday for 11/20

Tech Tuesday from our friend Oscar Gordon, bringing Ordinary Times all the latest in science, technology, innovation, and design.

For The Record

Accusations sometimes exist, persist, or are dismissed due to the ambiguity of what we don’t know. In the future, we’ll know more of it.

Tech Tuesday – 9/17 – Asymptomatic Sick Kids Are A Nightmare Edition

Last week Bug developed hives all over his body. Misses school for the rest of the week. Freaked us out, because to date, he has no known allergies. Urgent care put him on Benadryl, which did nothing. Two days later, PCP puts him on Prednisone, which ended the hives, and spun him up so much we spent a day letting him run around the Arizona Science Center (nice place, BTW). Yesterday I get a call that the throat swab the PCP took came back positive for Strep (the quick test was negative), turns out the kid has Scarlet Fever, sans the fever, or the sore throat, or the vomiting…