Tagged: teachers


Ordinary World: Education

Ordinary World: Education with stories and links on learning, education, teaching, tutoring, and much more from Scott Davies and Ordinary Times.

Undergraduate Enrollment

Are Finland’s Schools Really the Gold Standard?

It is a given that at some point during almost any discussion about school reform, a reference to Finland’s education system will arise. However, a closer look at Finland’s education system and reforms raises questions about the popular narrative of its education system.

teaching and choice

So we’ve gone some rounds in the teaching/education debate – with Will, Freddie, John, Conor, Sonny and myself all chiming in to one degree or another – and I’d like to follow up a...

Teaching Moments

This depressing Los Angeles Times story inspired a pretty interesting debate on teacher unions over at the American Scene. In comments, Freddie mounts a persuasive defense of union-backed tenure for professional educators, arguing that...