Tagged: Scott Brown

The Necessity of Tri-Partisanship

From The New York Times: With Democrats reeling from the Republican victory in the Massachusetts special Senate election, President Obama on Wednesday signaled that he might be willing to set aside his goal of achieving...

What about health care reform?

Ought health care legislation be stopped dead in its tracks after the Brown win? That is a clear promise he made in the campaign (though procedurally he can’t necessarily stop it himself). But many...

Brown Out (With a bit o’ Science Bleg)

With all the myriad  commentary flying around about about the meaning of Scott Brown’s victory, it would help to remember that people who follow politics write about politics.  This creates a bias whereby the...


Others here may well disagree, but I would like to associate myself with every word of James Joyner’s response to Andrew Sullivan’s accusation that a Scott Brown win will signal “a nihilist moment, built...


Following up on ED’s earlier post, here’s a smart observation from Derek Thompson at The Atlantic on the consequences of (an increasingly likely) Scott Brown victory in the Massachusetts special senatorial election (hint: the...

quote of the day

“You can have religious freedom but you probably shouldn’t work in the emergency room.” ~ Democratic candidate Marie Antoinette Martha Coakley, further sabotaging her own campaign. P.S. – I have to admit, I really like Scott...