Tagged: Rick Perry

Bachmann, Perry and HPV

Let me begin by dispensing with the easiest parts first. Michele Bachmann is an idiot. “I’m offended for all the little girls and parents that didn’t have a choice,” [Bachmann] said. (Actually, any parent...

Caption Contest

Photo via Matt Welch. Apparently this happened during a commercial break after a heated exchange between the two.

There Will Be Blood

Ladies and gentlemen, the next Republican nominee for President of the United States of America! I can’t help but think we get the leaders we deserve. Oh hey look, ma, I’m quoted in the...

The Republican Debate

I only caught the end of the debate, but that was enough. It was enough to remind me that the Republican Party boils down to three things: tax cuts, “What Would Reagan Do?” and...

Who says politics can’t be good for business?

Not Rick Perry’s political donors, anyways. So much for small government: Texas Gov. Rick Perry has powered his political career on the largesse of donors like Dallas billionaire Harold Simmons, who gave the governor...

Rick Perry’s Christian America

~by Tom Van Dyke Well, the problem isn’t perhaps-GOP presidential candidate Rick Perry attending a semi-political prayer meeting. This stuff happens all the time. [His playing Pontifex Maximus for it and the potential political...

Perry nips at Romney’s heels

I knew that Perry would be Romney’s only credible threat, the only real contender in this race. Palin is too vapid for most center-right non-base voters. Bachmann is a congress-critter, not a governor, and...