Finding Humility for the Sake of Positive Partisanship
by Kyle Moore (Note: this post is MOSTLY ripped straight from my comments to one of Scott’s earlier posts) I wanted to make I suppose an emphasis to this great post. Early on you...
by Kyle Moore (Note: this post is MOSTLY ripped straight from my comments to one of Scott’s earlier posts) I wanted to make I suppose an emphasis to this great post. Early on you...
Professor Joseph Wagner of Colgate University, one of the three professors who most influenced the development of my early political thought, was fond of saying that the venom associated with certain issues was because...
There is much ado today about the fact that Obama, apparently in response to conservatives’ objections, has asked House Democrats to withdraw a provision in the stimulus package that would provide family planning money...
To extend the question of partisan positioning leading to inconsistencies just a bit further (and I promise that I’m done after that), consider James Poulos, echoing Peter Suderman, “If movies aren’t always, or even...
Kyle asks: What motivates the Limbaughs and the Hannities and the Malkins to take up the standard of hyper-partisan contrarian now? Surely one would say to provide a voice of balance against the rampant...
I was pondering Erik and Mark’s thoughts on partisanship, and this video fell in my lap. I first saw this via Andrew, but it appears to be making the rounds in the right-of-center blogosphere....