Tagged: neoconservatism

Bolton on Bombing

John Bolton writing in the Wall Street Journal: We therefore face a stark, unattractive reality. There are only two options: Iran gets nuclear weapons, or someone uses pre-emptive military force to break Iran’s nuclear...


A lot of the reaction to my conservapedia piece falls along the lines that you would expect – essentially that I’m painting with too broad a brush.  I probably was in that post.  Obviously...

defining American interests

Stranger things have happened, but this is still worth noting.  It turns out that a slim majority of Republicans now believe [pdf] that it is not America’s responsibility to “actively promote democracy around the...

rethinking a strong national defense

Mark Levin’s response to The Weekly Standard’s Peter Berkowitz is surprisingly good.  I find myself truly befuddled by the apparent twin-personalities of the man who is Mark Levin – the thoughtful, reasonable essayist vs....

freedom and neoconservatism

“Iran’s green awakening may end awfully. But if it succeeds, it will be everything the neocons had hoped to achieve in Iraq – and also a demonstration of neoconservatism’s core fallacy, which is that...

a quote for the afternoon

“If Nixon could go to China in the wake of the Cultural Revolution, which was a hundred times more brutal and appalling than anything we have seen in Iran over the last few days,...

What the Iraq War Is and What it Isn’t

Let’s start with “isn’t” first: ________________________________________ It’s not a war just about spreading democracy. It’s not a war just about oil. It’s not a war just about stopping a brutal dictator who supposedly had...

The Humanitarian Empire

Scott wonders again whether there isn’t a place for humanitarian intervention, or a sort of anti-imperialist version, and asks if perhaps the problem is not so much the idea behind such a foreign policy,...

the democracy fallacy

Here’s a line of reasoning I simply can’t follow: The Islamic world is nothing like the Western world.  We have few, if any, of the same values and virtually no historical commonality save our...

Idealism with a Sword

Scott, remarking on the improving conditions in Iraq, asks: If this is a trend that continues and increasingly results in a lowering of violence that both adds to the stability of Iraq and enables...