Tagged: Libertarianism

Praying Drunk

Don’t want to interrupt the symposium, so I’m tossing this in Off the Cuff. Liz Anderson, who is still my favorite professor from undergrad, has a pretty awesome piece up at Bleeding Heart Libertarians...

Testing ideology

~by James Hanley Fellow reader Stillwater, responding to my critique, writes: you [Hanley] keep insisting there is this significant difference between our theories, our policies, our preferred values, our analytical methods. If there isn’t...

Cold Fusionism

So, you know how my blognado was supposed to get my juices flowing again?  Yeah, well so much for that plan.  I can plead all manner of excuses: I’ve started a new project at work that’s tapping my...

What’s In A Label

Andrew Sullivan calls out Jonathan Chait for arguing that libertarianism is inextricably linked to racism.  Chait’s view, in a nutshell, is that in practice, libertarianism is a gateway doctrine to racism: “I am sure...

Reproductive Rights and Libertarianism

~by Sam Wilkinson For reasons that I cannot understand, the threat posed by various conservative candidates to women’s reproductive rights rarely seem to warrant mention or concern amongst those who profess themselves to be most concerned with...

Liberty & Democracy

Let’s assume for the sake of argument that I was being slightly hyperbolic when I suggested that libertarians dislike democracy; let’s also shuffle aside the Michael Lind article I linked to and the various...

A Good Man is Hard to Find

Tim Carney has a very good piece up on the media’s continued efforts to ignore, at every turn, presidential hopeful Ron Paul. So, again, why doesn’t Paul get the attention he seems to deserve?...

Market liberals

Matt Yglesias makes tons of sense with his latest foray into an ongoing debate between him and John Quiggin and others. I think Matt operates in that awkward position of being not-progressive-enough for much...

On Neoliberalism

First things first: I absolutely loathe the term ‘neoliberal’ and its derivatives. For one thing, neoliberals are much more akin to classical liberals than traditional leftists, and there’s an obvious dissonance between ‘classical’ and...

Libertarianism & Power

Freddie reads this post by Nick Gillespie on the arrest of a Reason reporter at a D.C. taxi public forum and writes: In a poor, majority-black city with a long history of drugs, crime,...