Stop Consuming News Media
Taylor Jacobson argues that the best way to deal with the modern news media is to ignore it completely.
Taylor Jacobson argues that the best way to deal with the modern news media is to ignore it completely.
The APs Kimberly Dozier reports that two anonymous officials and one unnamed “lawmaker” believe terrorist groups have altered how they communicate since the information contained in Edward Snowden’s leaks became public.
Writer says writing is dying–or maybe it’s just really hard to make a living doing it–or something like that.
(The above is a screenshot of the Atlantic’s homepage taken March 10th around 11:30PM. A recap of SNL skits sits next to an article about nuclear war and above a photo series depiciting international...
In addition to some kind words from many commenters’, I’ve also gotten some substantial push back on what I thought was a rather uncontroversial position (so much so that I felt a bit guilty making...
I agree with Paul Krugman when he writes, “We know what Ferguson is going to do…But what is Newsweek going to do?” While the immediate controversy surrounded a less than esteemed Ivy League Professor...
I won’t waste time giving you the context. Niall Ferguson wrote the cover story for Newsweek’s August 19th issue. It is an affront to sound reasoning, intellectual curiosity, and charitable discourse. Here’s why.
On January 6, NPR’s This American Life aired an hour long and fairly damning segment on the working conditions of the Chinese manufacturing workers that build Apple products. To say the show got some...
Color me utterly uninterested that Rick Santorum uttered a naughty word or barked at a New York Times reporter. But since it appears we have to be forced to micro-focus on such non-events during elections...
Reading the article by Eric Schmitt that ran in last Sunday’s New York Times under the headline, “Lull in Strikes by U.S. Drones Aids Militants in Pakistan,” one gets a sense of just how...
Even if you’re not a sports fan, GQ’s profile of Deadspin editor-in-chief A.J. Daulerio is worth reading because it’s such a perfect distillation of the clash between old and new media cultures. Deadspin’s raison...
I’d like to nominate this Vlade Divac profile for Conor Friedersdorf’s annual “best of” compilation.
Foreign Policy collects a few hilariously anachronistic quotes from media coverage of England’s 60s-era counter-insurgency operations in Yemen:
Via Jeffrey Goldberg, a CQ editor has apparently been fired for daring to speak up in the midst of widespread lay-offs. An email he fired off to management before the firing is pretty badass:
David Simon implores the New York Times and Washington Post to work together to save traditional journalism: On a specific date in the near future—let’s say September 1 for the sheer immediacy of it—both...