The Problem with a ‘Defense” of Working on Holidays
Attempting some clarifications on what’s at stake as norms about working on national holidays shift.
Attempting some clarifications on what’s at stake as norms about working on national holidays shift.
Defending the right of employees to choose to work holidays like Thanksgiving threatens to ignore the fact that, for many, choice never factors into it.
by Kevin Carson I read, with appreciation, Jason Kuznicki’s thoughtful review of my book Studies in Mutual Political Economy. He begins my noting that the book is, as the title suggests, a series of studies rather...
A day or two ago, I offhandedly endorsed an article from Jagdish Bhagwati on the continued relevance of global free trade. This provoked a few heated responses from Kevin Carson, who has long argued...
E.D. thinks that market economics don’t apply to education. Chris disagrees, but thinks that market economics ultimately are about controlling people and inevitably creates – specifically in the realm of education – a form...