Capacious, Ordered Liberty
The phrase “ordered liberty” reminds me the reasons the Framers abandoned the Articles of Confederation and created the Federal Constitution
The phrase “ordered liberty” reminds me the reasons the Framers abandoned the Articles of Confederation and created the Federal Constitution
“Dirty” Harry Callahan learns that all of the evidence he gathered with respect to the Scorpio killer is inadmissible.
This week, the Court delivered its decision in Ramos v. Louisiana, in what must be among the most fractured opinions in SCOTUS history. Let me try to break that down:
Peer with Burt Likko into his Constitutional crystal ball, and you shall see a vision of a veritable hurricane of voter registration litigation, of a sort yet unseen in American legal history.
Unlike a legislature or even an executive, a judicial officer is obliged to explain the reasoning underlying a judicial action.
A preview of selected cases appearing on the United States Supreme Court’s docket for the 2016-2017 Term.