Tech Tuesday 07/22/19 – Cool Electric Motorcycles Edition
And if that isn’t the coolest damn thing you read all day…
And if that isn’t the coolest damn thing you read all day…
Why does it always take longer to unpack than to pack it all up?
The philosophical questions of morality in warfare are as old as recorded human history. With the rise of AI, drones, and technology, those age-old questions are only getting more complicated.
A Vox story on America’s drone arsenal has some more explaining to do.
Nothing in the President’s speech hasn’t been said before, and with much more force and a greater sense of commitment. His sprawling meditation on the threat of terrorism was less a grand vision for...
Ted Heller feels like he’s betraying someone, or something, every time he picks up his new e-reader. Maybe though he should consider more deeply the nature of this perceived betrayal before taking to the...
There I was, enjoying some left-over pasta and a diet Canadian Dry on my lunch break. “Time to read something,” I thought. So I browsed my favorites tab in search of something meaty to...
At the Atlantic, an article by three professors was published which sought to examine the claim that “Pakistanis all hate the drone war.” For someone like me this is a useless bit of analysis. Indeed,...
So hot on the heels of Jason’s thought provoking piece, the Washington Post has an interesting profile of the role played by John Brennan in the Obama Administration’s counter-terrorism policy. Bobby Chesney has an...
I picked on the Atlantic yesterday for publishing some hack promotionalism by Scott Gerber. Today, in passing, I just want to draw attention to another bizarre editorial choice by that outlet. See to my...
Recalling the inspiration for his profile on President Obama which appeared this week in the pages of Vanity Fair, superstar writer Michael Lewis said, “On a whim, last November, I thought what would be...
Taking a cue from Ryan, I’ll post my rant here so as not to disturbm the rest of the symposium. As per usual, nothing gets my heart rate up like a sloppy discussion of the...
Andrew Sullivan wants Obamaites to more aggressively tout the President’s foreign policy achievements: “I think the Obamaites need to be more aggressive in foreign policy arguments. Obama ended one war in Iraq, dispatched Osama bin Laden...
I’ve been MIA recently, most due to some other projects I’ve been working on. But I’ll have some deeper thoughts on the following later on…right after I’ve succeeded in picking my jaw back up...
Let me get this out of the way first. I like Andrew Sullivan, appreciate a lot of the work he produces, and can cite the Dish as an enormous triumph in blogging that is both...
Reading the article by Eric Schmitt that ran in last Sunday’s New York Times under the headline, “Lull in Strikes by U.S. Drones Aids Militants in Pakistan,” one gets a sense of just how...