Church Shopping, Again
I am skittish about getting involved anywhere at this point. The pitfalls are myriad and various. So I’m church-shopping again.
I am skittish about getting involved anywhere at this point. The pitfalls are myriad and various. So I’m church-shopping again.
An adventure in obsolete culture wars
There is nothing more immodest than a young woman in a tuxedo. Apparently.
In what might be the most inept argument I have seen him make, the American Conservative pundit calls out my hometown. I respond.
In Oklahoma, this story has been unfolding for the past few days: TULSA, Okla. (AP) — Two men were arrested Sunday in a shooting rampage that left three people dead and terrorized Tulsa’s black...
The incentive-oriented world view explored at length by works like Freakonomics really appeals to me. Making every social issue into a problem of inadequate or incorrect incentives can really help to clarify things and...
Karl Smith on the conservative movement: The thing to remember is this outpouring of insanity is not the result of a conservative movement that is losing. It is the case that the long run...
Robin Hanson’s post on “Type A and Type B” people (or foragers vs. farmers) is like a weird cousin of the novel, Ishmael. And like every other pundit’s false dichotomy, it fails to deliver...
Over at the Washington Examiner, I have a three–part–series on the new culture wars. In Part One I talk about the breakdown of the modern conservative movement and the Three-Legged Stool. Now, thirty years...
James Poulos thinks I’m wrong to advocate against Arthur Brooks’ culture war: Alas, the cultural conflict is already blazing. Some people think a federal tax on tanning is a legitimate tool of economic policy....
Ever since Will posted about Roger Ebert earlier I’ve been reading Ebert’s blog (which is fantastic) and came across this explanation of why he never formally reviewed the Ben Stein mockumentary (er, documentary) Expelled....
Well, this is the trajectory of the modern Christian right. Its leaders have signed this declaration, further entwining religion and politics, and further entrenching the culture wars in the useless “us against them” language...
Kyle Cupp has this to say about my professed culture-war pacifism:
Andrew Sullivan has been taking flak from movement conservatives (what else is new?) for calling the Tea Party protests nothing more than childish “temper tantrums.” He has repeatedly pointed out the hypocrisy of these...
“Saving” marriage obviously means objecting to gay-marriage. But what does this have to do with abortion? Can someone please explain to me what on earth King means? Seriously, I have no idea. ~ Alex...
In the comments to Chris’ excellent post on Roe v. Wade and the culture wars, I wrote: …The issue, fundamentally, is whether Roe was legally and Constitutionally correct; on that point, you would be...