Category: War

Bloody Madness

Updated below. Over at The Dish, Zack Beauchamp writes: It’s better to think of the U.S. as the global police chief rather than sole policeman. We may be the strongest of our allies, but...

Tripoli and the hawks

I’m concerned that any perceived “success” in Libya (i.e. the fall of Gaddafi as rebels even now storm the city, arrest his sons, and topple the regime – though this was never the stated goal of the mission)...

America, Forever At War

~by Elias Isquith James Joyner’s got a piece up at The Atlantic called “How Perpetual War Became U.S. Ideology” — and it’s a total disaster. From start-to-finish, the article is ill-conceived and under-thought and it...

A Few Good Men

I watched maybe half of the first GOP 2012 primary debate the other night on Fox. I actually thought the questions were decent, and while many pundits have written off the debate as the...