Category: Weekend
Weekend Plans Post: Commandaria
There are stories in Hesiod that talk about the type of grapes that make Commandaria and so this type of wine dates back at least to 800 B.C.
Weekend Plans Post: Brisk. Finally.
One of my friends moved out from Denver to Florida a couple of months ago and he wrote everybody saying that he saw more rain in two hours than he saw in any given month in Colorado and more rain during the week than we got all summer.
Weekend Plans Post: Greek Couscous Salad
It’s good with lamb, it’s good with chicken, it’s good just eating it from the container. AND IT’S SO FREAKIN’ EASY.
Weekend Plans Post: The MRI
Well, the only thing floating around my head is a short story about a zombie apocalypse hitting while some guy is in an MRI machine.
Weekend Plans Post: The New Grocery Store
Remember Wild Oats? Way back when, back in the oughts, Colorado Springs didn’t have a Whole Foods store. We had a Wild Oats, though.
Weekend Plans Post: Reacher Reviewed
If you liked the movies, you’ll love the show. Well, you might. It’s awfully violent.
Weekend Plans Post: Leiomyoma
A medical term that you have to google is rarely a good thing, but if you have to google one, it’s best when it doesn’t start with the letter “M”.
Weekend Plans Post: The Best Album Titles and How Kids These Days Don’t Know About Them
I asked him whether he listens to albums and… no. He does not listen to albums. He has satellite radio, and he also listens to podcasts
Weekend Plans Post: The Spiciest Food in the World
“Huh. I thought this would be spicier” And then…moments later…”Oh. There it is.” Soon, it becomes “I have made a terrible mistake.”
Weekend Plans Post: Hey, Baby! It’s the 4th of July!
Light a Roman candle and hold it in your hand* (Note: Do not actually do this.)
Weekend Plans Post: Ground-Penetrating Radar, Short Weekends, and Grape Juice
They put a wand in a very particular spot, at the very bottom of my ribcage, and then told me that I would feel a small “thump”.
Weekend Plans Post: GenX is, apparently, the last generation to use a top sheet
I had a conversation at work with Millennials that left me shaken to my core
Weekend Plans Post: Exploring Fallout (the Show, I Mean)
They put effort into the sets, they put effort into the dialog, they put effort into the casting…I’m shocked. Fallout the show is good.
Weekend Plans Post: Settling into the Summer
After a crazy four years of weird pandemic stuff, we’re still finding little things to claw back.
Weekend Plans Post: The La-Z-Boy
we found a La-Z-Boy that Maribou said felt exactly like Dad’s old chair did. And we found that it was part of a set of two identical chairs…full circle.
Weekend Plans Post: THREE DAY WEEKEND!!!
Holy cow. Is it Memorial Day already? Indeed it is. If I am very lucky, I will forget that Monday is a day off on Sunday night.