Author: Will Truman
Morning Ed: Media {2018.02.19.M}
Is it me, or does “The Trudeau Ultimatum” sound like a 70’s spy novel?
Morning Ed: Diversity {2018.02.15.Th}
Ideological diversity, taco trucks and mosques, immigration, immigration, and more.
Morning Ed: Valentine {2018.02.14.VD}
I wanted a lot of links about love and marriage for this Valentine’s Day, so I consulted two college professors who study marriage and relationships.
Morning Ed: World {2018.02.12.M}
I’ve had “It’s a Small World” stuck in my head for a week now. Thanks, Disney World.
Morning Ed: Education {2018.01.31.W}
The Chinese are infiltrating our institutions of higher learning… (and other stories)