Author: Will Truman
Morning Ed: World {2018.06.04.M}
You always wanted to know what Korean slang for video game consoles is, right?
Study: The Refugee of My Enemy Is My Friend
Why do states accept refugees? While there are a number of factors that influence a state’s decision to accept refugees, interstate relations play an important yet understudied role in refugee flows. In this paper,...
Morning Ed: Law & Order {2018.05.31.Th}
Bail is bad, mugshots are bad, killing your spouse by rigging the parachute also bad.
Morning Ed: History {2018.05.30.W}
Wolf children, the Isle of California, Pepsi the great military power, and the Fall of Rome…
Morning Ed: Media {2018.05.29.T}
Babylon Bee, local newspapers, mugshots, and getting pwned by Trump.
Behold, the Cat Piano
Nick Cave Narrates an Animated Film about the Cat Piano, the Twisted 18th Century Musical Instrument Designed to Treat Mental Illness
Morning Ed: Politics {2018.05.24.Th}
Immigration politics, race politics, and an Australian Prime Minister who went mysteriously missing.
Universal Norms in a Diverse World
The universal power of falling into line and taking care of your own.