So Now We All Need to Learn the Words
Dunno if it got the most votes because it was the best song, or because it was the first nominated, or because there wasn’t a whole lot of agreement with any other song. Regardless,...
Dunno if it got the most votes because it was the best song, or because it was the first nominated, or because there wasn’t a whole lot of agreement with any other song. Regardless,...
In all of our years, my father and I only ever had one argument about race – but it was a doozy. The argument started over dinner when I was in junior high school....
In most murder cases, juries are asked to parse out the conflicting stories presented by the prosecution and the defense so that they can determine which is telling the true version of events. This...
Bad news everybody! It was brought up at Leaguefest that this blog lacks the single ingredient that makes any enterprise truly Great and Important: A theme song.
Jonathan has an interesting conversation going below on the subject of the loss of privilege that occurs when governments end monopolies. The initial conversation was actually started by Roger in the threads of another...
In this post I am going to attempt to present a brief anecdote that, at least in part, acts as an answer to a question I often hear regarding the Tea Party movement. After...
(And, by the way, what were the odds before yesterday that I would have ever been able to write that headline?)
Pretend for a moment that you are a highly visible Republican Congressman needing to get the Russians to come to the table to discuss items of mutual national interest.
A whole lot of the discussion going on in the threads of my Erick Erickson posts is making me cringe. I honestly can’t tell if people (read: men) are being purposefully obtuse to score...
I’d like to tell you that I hope this is going to be my last Erick Erickson post for a while, but that would be a lie. I hope no such thing. The truth...
So here’s the thing. I’ve started this post maybe half a dozen times before scrapping it and starting over. I have no idea what to say. No idea. I am seriously fishing speechless. I’ve...
Good news, everyone! In an attempt to reverse trends in flagging record sales, the music industry has agreed to allow you to create an all-star superband to be The Next Big Thing. All you...
I’m working simultaneously on several new posts for my Ideology Is The Enemy series, and because of this I’ve been thinking a bit about the concept of evil. There are a few things I...
Last week I got an email from reader Karen, who asked if I would be willing to share some book titles that might help her better know and understand my political philosophy of principled...
I noted last summer how massive attempts to confront “voter fraud” were actually an example of the inherent corruption populist movements breed. Finding a way to make voters on both sides recognize this before...
While other families traveled, partied and picnicked, our Memorial Day Weekend was taken up almost entirely by a lacrosse tournament, and I was reminded once again of the inverse relationship between parents who are...
Bad news, everyone! A meteor with devastating levels of radiation has collided with the Earth! Fortunately, most everyone you know has access to a room in special, radiation-proof apartment buildings the government has hastily...
Maybe Georgia Republicans were right after all; maybe Obama really does a Marvel-comics-like mind control ray. How else does one explain the obliviously self-destructive actions of Rand Paul and the entire right-wing media machine...
By now probably everyone knows about the devastation that wracked Oklahoma City and its suburbs, especially the town of Moore. As regular readers of mine will know, my sister teaches at the University in...
One of the slow-news-day stories zipping around the blogosphere this morning is the tale of NRO’s Kevin Williamson act of bravery or hooliganism (depending on whose blog you’re reading). If you haven’t come across...