I don’t know if Jesus wept…
…but I sure wanted to after reading about Barbara Cargill’s confirmation hearing to chair the Texas State Board of Education. When Cargill (a brief primer) appears to be flummoxed by the utter inanity of...
…but I sure wanted to after reading about Barbara Cargill’s confirmation hearing to chair the Texas State Board of Education. When Cargill (a brief primer) appears to be flummoxed by the utter inanity of...
To go with your morning coffee, black pudding, eggs, bacon and sausage. (Plus copy of Financial Times, and your TV set to the premiership matchups for the day).
From Jack Goldsmith at lawfare, we have a link to a remarkable op-ed by John Yoo which argues that the problem with the White House white paper recently released on targeted killings suffers from...
Most of the time despite my Sinoskepticism I’m sanguine about the Middle Kingdom’s rise. I’m thrilled that hundreds of millions of Chinese are now living substantially better lives. The worst of Mao’s excesses lie...
…the strict constructionists of the state legislature have been found to be violating the constitution’s education provision.
The recent discussion on copyright and digital archives (and accessible information) seems somewhat relevant here. There’s a lot of tragedies unfolding in Mali, but the loss of manuscripts from a part of the world...
…in other things that aren’t news: Sun coming up from the east tomorrow. Notre Dame will get crushed by Bama…. Pope is still Catholic.
The Weekly Standard and other neoconservative rags have started their predictable braying for blood after President Obama today nominated Chuck Hagel for Secretary of Defense and John Brennan for CIA Director. Most of the sound and...
A preview of topics I will (hopefully) finish covering in the next week to tenday:
Note: This post is part of our League Symposium on Guns In America. You can read the introductory post for the Symposium here. To see a list of all posts in the Symposium so far,...
….his views on gun control regulations isn’t one of them. And yet the people who love to cry up opposition to tyranny are demanding a legal resident of the US be deported for expressing...
Police: Handcuffed high school student shoots self in back of police car. Be careful while you’re in Houston, Kazzy. Don’t want you shooting yourself while handcuffed.
David’s post has made me think about how I find answers to my hobbies. Particularly of politics. My reaction to blogging: Consider this an open thread.
So after a look at the latest round of opinion polling in Japan, it looks like Shinzo Abe will be returning to the Prime Ministership…more reason not to go back, I suppose.
Wonder what chance it has of passage. Full text of the amendment to the NDAA (warning: PDF).
The election is too close to call, says Particle Physicists. (No word on what IL-11 Congressman Elect Dr. Bill Foster (PhD Particle Physics, Harvard ’83) thinks about this conclusion)
As I’m becoming more and more inclined to write an intemperate rant regarding statistical literacy and mathematics, I’m going to stay off the internets for a few days. Probably until wednesday, perhaps till the...
A facebook discussion today spawned a link to the following post on my alma matter’s online edition of the policy journal.